#15 Happy to go back to school ?

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I've been writing less these past days because I was busy shopping for school. I'm sorry for that.

Now am I happy to go back to school ? I can't give you a straight answer because I don't even know myself.

High School is a place where you learn that's obvious but high school is also a place where your social life take a big turn.

First We want to be hanging out with the "best people" and then we realise that it's not really what we wanted , in reality you just want to feel good with the people you hang out with , you want good friends no matter how weird they are , and you want to be free to be with them without people criticising your relations...

But that's what makes high school so hard you always have those ones who thinks that they're better than everybody , the " plastics " and as a girl you want the boys to give you attention too . Most of the time , it's not the case for the average teenager.

And as a Muslim girl , being around boys all the time. Enough said.

That's part of high school doesn't make me want to go back there AT ALL.

But then comes the good part , your friends. They make all the bad part worth it. They make you want to go to school and "survive".

Another reason that makes me want to go back this year is that it's my senior year so basically it's my last year so my new mantra is " the faster you finish this year , the faster you go away from here ".

We should always remember the first reason why we went to high school . It's to learn , to work hard and be the best student we can be. We're not going there to please anyone. We should think about our future but also our parents , they're working they ass off for us to have everything we need and go to the best schools , that is already an amazing reason to be better.

We should be grateful for everything god blessed us with starting with our family. We can't reward them enough for what they did to us but at least we can make them proud and make them realise that they didn't waste their money for nothing.

We're going to make friends and realise later that they didn't really worth it. But it's fine at the end of the day the real one are not asking to stay , they just do.

May this year be to better then the previous one.

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