#11 school or education ?

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This question might confuse some people but there's nothing to be confuse about... I think.

So basically school is a place where you go to receive knowledge and education. And well education is the key.

The reason why school is so overrated is because it actually put you in the mood or on a place where you are forced to learn. If school didn't exist most of us would be playing video games or hanging out and listen to music all day... We wouldn't have been taking the time to explore our own intelligence.

I'm not saying that school is not important but I'm saying that school is not everything ! There's more important than that. For me school is playing a major role in the first years cause it teaches you how to read and write that's really important.

What I don't like about school is that it is obsessed with having students with good marks that they don't care about having smart students. Yes because for me having really good mark at school doesn't mean you're smart most of the time. It means that you have a great memory. Which leads us to another aspect of school that I don't like....

They don't put the accent on practice. Because everyone is capable of learning 3 pages of a science lesson and sit in front of a piece of paper and answer the questions. But if you ask the same person to practice or do an experience on what he just written he might not be capable of it ... Probably because you didn't showed him.

School give you and education yes it's true but most of the things you learn in high school are quite useless how many of you remember all of the things you did the last semester ? Yes that's what I tough. We just remember the essential because that's what we need. Not that all the other things are not important but it's facultative.

The most important phase of school is probably college or university cause it gives you the chance to show your capability in something that you actually like.

That's just what I think.

Let's go back back to education now ! School is a place to learn. but is school the only way to learn ? No.

I learned a lot more interesting facts on the actual world sitting in front of my computer watching buzzfeed on youtube than I did sitting in front of my copy books ! Yes that's true.

When you learn a job from another person that's another form of education . It doesn't mean your not educated it mean that you're educated in what you're supposed to be educated in. The proof is that some people go to school to study economics or something but end up being writers because that's what they're good at. They maybe didn't learned it at school but they know how to do it better than you.

You can also Learn a lot from travelling. Which is for me the best way to discover the world. You actually experience the thing.

Someone who visits Africa to learn knows more about Africa then your book told you.

But the society need a proof that you're capable of doing what you say you can do. Therefore go to school and pass these tests and get your diploma find an amazing job and God Bless you.

Follow your heart.


I'm Back with a quite boring chapter but at least I'm back right ?

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