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      "I think I've just pushed our daughter further away than she was". Ro said as she just gotten off the phone with Plump. Cre replies "baby it'll be fine she just need some time" Ro responds "I just feel like what we went through is justifying her actions right now. She grew up without a father and she don't want her girls to grow up without one, but I just think she's moving to fast with Lucky.
       Cre sigh "that's my fault I shouldn't have left, I'm the reason she's thinking the way she is. I promise though Ro the daughter we have is smart and not dumb, so even if she is with that boy she won't let him lead her to do anything she doesn't want to do".
      Ro rubbed her belly "I hope so because we haven't even met this Lucky guy to even find out what's so special about him".

        I missed my friend and everything was just blown way out of proportion. I tried her phone again this time as me and Naomi waited to try on dresses. She answered the phone and it shocked me . "Melody" she said saying my name dryly "girl where are you"? Naomi said before I could. "I'm fine no reason to sound concern".
       Mel replied "Plump I just think we need to talk" . She sigh "Mel we don't have to talk about anything we good". Naomi added "your mom has it out for us and your dad is looking for Lucky he's down the boys throat".
       "Don't worry about any of that like I said I'm fine I'm on a little vacation, and that's it just needed to get away". Just then we heard a male voice in the back asking if she was ready.
      "Plump is he there with you"? She moved around and said "he is that's why I said y'all have nothing to worry about". Mel looked at Naomi with concern "Plump don't you think you forgiven him to fast"?
She goes on to say with a bit of attitude "this is my life I'm living and if I choose to forgive someone quickly then so be it. Don't come at me about what I'm doing worry about y'all relationships never once did I step in and tell y'all how to handle y'all niggas now did I ? Naomi did I tell you what to do when Corey placed his hands on you ? No , Mel did I tell you what to do when Dallas was taking Dj behind your back to see his mom? No, so don't tell me what I should do when it comes to a nigga I'm with".
This wasn't the Plump we knew she went off on us and just hung up the phone.
"Something is off"? Naomi said , Me nodded "maybe or maybe she's right maybe we should let her do her and worry about our own relationship". Naomi looked away "no I say there's something different going on".

"You sure about this"? Lucky asked me as we placed the girls in their car. "Yea I'm more than sure" they got in the car and I just started talking. "I'm doing this for me and the girls for once I'm doing something I wanna do and not what other people wanna see me do".
Lucky smiled "that's good" he said looking at her. She clapped her hands "come on start the car" Lucky started the car and pulled out the driveway.
"I don't want your dad you kill me" Plump chuckled "he won't my father has never been in my life until your brother made him meet me. I don't think he would have ever made that move if it wasn't for Justin. We don't even have that strong of a bond because of that so he should be welcoming whoever I bring home with opened arms. Because anyone is better than the man he is".
Sharing that made me realize how I really felt about my father. I still haven't forgiven him for leaving and missing my childhood years. That was something I've kept in for a long time.
"Why you didn't tell him how you felt"? Lucky asked "cause Naceem everything happened so quick I mean with Justin and then him and my mom got back together, and I didn't want to upset my mom. Then I met Butler and I don't know I just left it alone. My mom taking him back was a spit in my face only because she talked so much shit about this man when I grew up. Then he just shows up one day after seeing me and she boom back with him. Now pregnant with another child deep down I think my father is with my mom for his guilty not love".
"I think you should tell them this" she sigh "Lucky it won't change anything if I do my mom is stuck in love again she isn't going to leave until he hurts her again".
"We are here".............

I waited and waited for Plump and then I heard the door open and the music playing. Before I knew it she was standing before me. We both smiled at each other and listened next thing I know I heard her say ......

"I do" after saying i do back the old guy responded "and with the power invested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife welcome Mr. and Mrs. Naceem Langston". She was now my wife I finally got my girl. The girl I wanted since I first, first laid eyes on that night of the party when my brother dissed her from his VIP. The same girl I rescued when my punk ass little brother sent his little friends to attack all because he saw her talking to me that night I got to her to late, but at the same time I got to her in time before anything else happened , but she didn't remember . She don't remember me being the guy that drove her to the hospital after fighting them niggas off her.
Justin didn't say any of those things to me about watching out for her if something happen to him. Instead he told me to stay away from her even if something happen to him. He couldn't stand the fact that I could steal his girl from under him. A beautiful girl like her that he couldn't treat right.
I stayed away when I found out she had a new nigga and prayed every night if she was meant for me that God would lead us back to each other. He did miraculously and I'm damn sure not coming up off her now. As I kissed them soft lips I laughed inside my brother was turning in his grave.


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