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          "Mommy I want some ice cream" Dj replied

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"Mommy I want some ice cream" Dj replied . I replied "you want some ice cream"? He replied "yea me and Noah" I chuckled "well we'll get ice cream when we get home how about that". He clapped his hands "is daddy going to be there mommy"? Just before I left class I did get a text from Dallas saying he wanted to talk about something, so I guess he was home. "Yea he should be hopefully he'll take you and your brother to get a haircut cause you need one".
        "Michelle said she would take me but I told her no". I grinned "you told her no"? He nods "yea I did mommy" Mel replied "good cause she don't know how me and your dad likes your hair to be cut".
      They pulled into the driveway and Mel parked the car and as she was grabbing her things Dallas come to the car to help. "Wassup boys" Mel looked back and saw Dj and Noah's face light up when they dad spoke to them. She just loved the relationship Dallas had with them.
        "Daddy"!! They both said in unison , he picked them both up then stood walked them inside the house. 
       Once inside he place them down in the chairs in the kitchen. "I bought y'all some McDonald's" Dj then asked "can we get ice cream afterwards" "only if you eat everything" I said.

         He wrapped his arms around me "I missed my girl" he kissed her . "I missed you too but what is it you wanted to talk to me about"? He pulled me away from the boys "Michelle called me asking me did I make a decision yet about having Dj spend the night".
      Mel blew off "are you serious why she pressing it so hard she just asked you about it last week and it seem like she has been calling everyday since then. She don't even call to talk to Dj, but she wants him to spend the night. Then when you ask to see her living habits she tells you no. What type of shit is that"?
       Dallas sigh "I asked her about that shit she said that she would have to ask the nigga Bryson again. I don't want him spending the night cause shit I don't know that Bryson nigga from a can of paint". Mel crosses her arms "tell her as of right now Dj ain't spending the night and that's coming from his momma the female who's raising a child she didn't want how about that".


        "She's not his mother Dallas I birth Dj how can you let her decided something like that

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        "She's not his mother Dallas I birth Dj how can you let her decided something like that. Your girlfriend hates me and doesn't want me and Dj to have a bond she's stealing my child". Dallas replied over the phone having it on speaker while in bed later that day with Mel while the boys were asleep. He had to make her promise not to flip while he was on the phone with Michelle.
        "Michelle you signed off your right and she stepped up what you talking about". She sucked her teeth "you can't keep throwing that up in my face Dallas I know what I did and I'm trying to fix my wrongs, but I can't if you and your girlfriend won't let me".
        Dallas responds "look for right now the answer is no we can still do the meet up thing for right now". That's when we hear a male voice saying "that's bullshit" I looked up at Mel "tell that nigga this shit don't got nothing to do with him Michelle"!
      He responded "aye bruh if your bitch can add her two cent so can I" Mel snatched the phone out my hand. "Bryson don't call me no bitch cause you know wassup, so don't even try it. Now like we said Dj ain't spending the night and if you don't like that then shit we can take the little visits away too, stop playing with us you know what's good. My son ain't staying no place we haven't seen and not I don't even want him around Bryson rude ass goodnight".
       Mel hung up the phone and looked at "I thought I'd never say this, but baby Bryson is going to be a problem". Dallas rubber his beard "I know .... I know".

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