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       Dallas wasn't feeling well so I had to take Dj with me to see Michelle. I didn't want to see this hoe after the phone conversation the other day, but Dallas insisted. I pulled up to the park of course she was there already waiting waving before we even got out the car. When I got out with Dj and Noah her facial expression changed .
       Walking over the first thing she said was "I don't want no problems". I smiled and replied "ain't none Dallas is sick and couldn't bring Dj to see you so here I am". She looked at Noah "he's getting big looks just like Dallas".
       The way she was looking at Noah was like she wanted him for herself. "Dj tell Michelle hey" he waved "hey there baby I got you something" she pulled out a brown teddy bear". Dj grabbed it and looked at it before I replied "what do you say"?
        "Thank you can I go play now" I nodded and he took off with Noah close behind. My eyes were tight on them making sure they didn't go far.
       "I didn't mean for Bryson to come off so hard on you the other day, but you said you know each other"? Bryson hadn't told her we had history. I chuckled "we dated back in school before he moved away" she replied "I don't remember that" Mel sigh "because it happened before you came to the school Michelle. Trust me it was nothing serious just some middle school type shit".
        "I didn't want to sign off my rights Melody I just thought at the time it was the right thing to do just being a mom alone was hard I didn't ask for Dj". Mel responded "I don't care how hard times get I would never just sign off my rights to Noah because he's one half of me. That's where me and you differ I guess".
        Michelle shook her head "I just want to do the right thing right now and you and Dallas are holding that back from me". Mel glared at Michelle before saying "you want me to be honest with you ? You don't deserve the time your getting with him right now, so thank your lucky stars that Dallas opened up his heart to do this. You will never be Dj mother again and you know what I think this will be the last visit for a while. Mel got up grabbed the bear and called the boys before leaving Michelle sitting there with this look of hurt and anger.
           Then a smile creeps upon her face as she watched Mel and the boys leave . She did just want she wanted her to do grab the bear.

        "What's taking y'all so long to walk down this damn isle Dallas". Dallas called his mom about one thing and that was what to take for his cold and she immediately went in on him about him and Mel not being married yet.
        "Ma I told you we're taking it slow" she sucked her teeth "what you mean slow hell yall wasn't moving slow when y'all had Noah and almost had another baby so what's the problem now"?
         "Well it's this shit with Michelle and you know the miscarriage last year held us back more". She stopped him "woah, woah, woah what shit with Michelle".
        "She wants Dj to come spend weekends and nights over to her place". His mother replied "you know what that's just what the fuck she told me the other day at Punchie's momma cookout . You know the cookout I told you about where Punchie daughter fought her sister's lesbian girlfriend cause she found out she was sleeping with her cousin"?
      Dallas chuckled "yea momma what she say cause you skipped that"? "She said some shit like y'all were talking about letting Dj come stay with her for a few nights, and Punchie overheard and said to her ass she signed off her rights why she trying to be a damn momma now? And son I don't know where that man came from but it was like he came out of nowhere and curse Punchie ass out I mean with the nastiest curses known to man. Punchie kicked his ass out and the way he pulled Michelle oh son he beating her ass".
         Dallas took everything in that his mom said "you think so"? She answered "you daddy use to beat mine baby I know what that looks like". Just then Mel comes busting in the room.
       "I don't want her seeing Dj Dallas no more". "Pooh"? She replied "momma"? Then she came and snatched my phone "yea momma let me tell you what happen...." then she goes into the bathroom and closes the door, but I thought she was going to tell me first now they finna be on the phone for hours. I'm not about to know what happen until tomorrow sometime .

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