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       "Justin"? I said sleepy "I'm sorry" he said I rubbed my eyes and turned on the light. "Lucky" he sat on the bed "please don't scream" "how did you find me"? Plump said reaching under her pillow for the gun she slept with. "Looking for this" he held the gun in his hands he emptied the clip "I had your phone call traced when you answered it earlier".
       Damn Roxanne rookie move she should've known better than to stay on the phone that long. "What you want Lucky, should you even be around me right now I'm cursed remember"? He sigh "I didn't mean that shit Roxanne you fucked up my fucking car and for what cause I was giving another bitch my time"?
         She slapped him "Yea you wasn't suppose to be in no bitch face, but mine you came here for me not no other bitch"! Lucky replied with the same anger in his voice "you don't want me like I want you the fuck do you want me to do wait till you come around life is to fucking short for that. I can't be around you if I can't have all of you"!
        Plump replied "so why the fuck are you here"?! He stared at her and before she knew it he was kissing her. Plump accepted his passionate kiss, but he stopped "I just want you Roxanne". His forehead up against hers "I want you too I'm just afraid".
        He lifted her head to where their eyes met "I promise I won't hurt you again". Looking in his eyes she saw he meant it "I'm sorry too". He smiled "I forgive you" Roxanne grinned "I'll get you a new car too" he shook his head laughing . "Already bought a new one you good" . Plump smirked "so how is it back home"? He sigh "I'm hiding my brother said your father is looking for me".
        Roxanne rolls her eyes "Yea your stupid ass brother" Lucky leaned back on the bed. "He didn't mean what he said baby". Plump climbed on top of him "next time I'm in your brothers presence I'm going to fuck him up". Lucky bust out laughing "your a wild one" she grabbed him by his throat then leaned down "sure you ready for my crazy ass"?

        The next day as Lucky and the girls watched television I called my mom. "Oh my God girl where the hell are you"? I walked out on the porch "momma I'm fine the girls are fine I just need a getaway". Her mom replied "your daddy is going to get that boy....." I sigh "momma no look it was nothing okay you and daddy just drop it please".
       She was quiet for a moment and replied "he's there with you isn't he"? I looked through the screen in the window "ma look just tell daddy to back down I can fix my own problems".
        "Roxanne baby that boy isn't good for you". With attitude and agitation I responded "how would you know ma"? "Because I know" Roxanne now regretted calling her mom maybe a text would've been better.
       "Ma you don't know him like I know him, okay we had a blow up, but we've fixed that okay I like him. He's the first guy I've even given the time of day since Butler and Justin. He ain't in the streets anymore and the girls love him so much how can I take that away from them ma"?
        Roxanne mom answered "easy their only one they won't remember him past a week. He isn't their father Roxanne" I looked through the window seeing how calm the girls were with their bottle sitting up against Lucky how could I take someone they grew so attached to away from them. He was the closes thing to a father they had.
       "You don't understand" she responded with anger "you damn right I don't understand how could you just take him back after he said what he said". I shook my head looking up in the sky "he said that out of anger ma" "your not answering the question Roxanne" "ma I took him back because I wanted to I mean you did the same thing with daddy didn't you and he did you way worst than the few words Lucky said to me".

With that I hung up how could she question me about a man when she took a man back who left her while she was pregnant?

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With that I hung up how could she question me about a man when she took a man back who left her while she was pregnant?

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