"Perfect shot." Ella calls, glancing down at her camera before putting it up.

"No more pictures?" I ask her, mildly surprised. I figured we'd be here another thirty minutes before she even considered letting us leave.

"I can always get more later." She offers, grabbing Sage's hand.

"Finally, we can go to the party, I'm starving!" Gabe cries.

Instantly, he's slapped by Emmy and RJ.

"That was supposed to be a surprise." Carmen says, dragging him by the ear to the parking lot. Her fiancé follows behind, laughing at the sight of his cousin being punished.


Our house has been completely transformed. All of our favorite foods set up in the backyard, pictures of our family spread throughout. Uncle John definitely outdid himself. The twins play an altered version of the video they gave me. Taking out their messages and adding even more footage of us from these past two years. There's a lot of tears and laughter but a warm feeling settles in my stomach. I feel happy.

Everything I've ever wanted has come true. I'm so loved by so many different people. My family is safe and happy, no longer living in constant fear of being torn apart.

We're complete. Plus, due to a sudden amount of evidence, Patricia Wainwright has been placed on unpaid leave until further notice. Something tells me she won't ever be going back to work for child services.

I walk over to Uncle John and Ms. Miller, who has asked me to call her Melissa. It's an awkward thing to do but I'm getting used to it. He's showing her a bunch of old picture albums of his teenage years, a genuine smile on his face that I haven't seen in years. We're all finally happy.

"How do you feel, Bean?" He asks, giving me what has to be my thousandth hug today.

Taking a deep breath, I shrug, "Blessed, it's almost like I had a guardian angel watching my back."

He offers me a knowing look just as Emmy walks over.

"Letty, are you ready to go do that thing?" He asks, munching on a chicken finger.

Uncle Johns grip on me tightens before he let's go, giving me an affirmative nod as he leads Melissa away to get more food.

"I'm more than ready." I assure him, motioning for Sage to head our way.


Thirty minutes later we're on the West Side of town, the last little bit of sunlight vanishing behind the buildings.

Emmy stops the car in front of a bar called the Twisted Pigeon, double checking our surroundings before unlocking the car.

"You two listen to me. Don't lay a hand on anyone without being touched first. Don't make any stupid decisions." He orders us, a serious look on his face.

We nod our heads, my hands reach for the seatbelt and after a few seconds of shaking I'm able to undue it.

"And please, for the love of God, try not to get killed." He adds as he opens his door.

Sage and I share a look before getting out of the car. I'll never be ashamed of admitting I'm from the West Side but walking across the street tonight is definitely a terrifying experience. This isn't a street anyone would feel safe walking down. Even Emmy is on edge as he walks, keeping a hand on both of our shoulders.

The second he opens the door the smell of alcohol and body odor attacks my nostrils, making me feel sick. Bennett tried taking me here one time, I'm thankful he didn't.

Life in Color ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora