He squeezed her hand. "I can't wait."

Soon she would be someone's wife. Holy Hell! The thought just blew her away. Someone's wife. Not just Tamara, daughter of Leo and Betsy or Grace and Ricky's aunt. She'd be tied to someone for the rest of her life. And she couldn't believe that was going to be her high school sweetheart. How often does that happen in a lifetime? Honestly, there was no one in their circle that had ever reconnected with an old love. But who's to say it couldn't be done? Maybe her romance story would finally have a happy ending.

Their group stopped in front of the stone chapel as another group left. Logan looked down at her. "You ready?"

Her heart tripled in pace and her hands grew clammy. She wiped them on her grey shorts, leaving wet stains. "Well, not the most beautiful wedding gown," she said, laughing.

"I know a cute little shop, if you really wanted to get something to wear," Darla suggested.

"No. No. I'm good," Tamara replied. She wasn't a dress kind of gal, never cared for them. Her parents would probably force them to do a real wedding when they got back home, with a long flowing gown that would drive her crazy until Logan ripped it off.

Her life often consisted of jeans and t-shirts. And she spent more time roughhousing with the boys than being the cute little darling girl her mother had probably wanted. Scrapes and bruises had been the name of her game. No one called her a sissy. But she kinda felt like one now with how her heart was pounding and her legs felt like jelly. Tamara pinched herself on the arm.

"This is very real, hun," Logan huskily whispered in her ear, making her shiver.

Straightening up, she threw back her shoulders and ignored the fearful panic building inside her. "Let's go do this." This was what she wanted, without a doubt. But there was something uncertain about going forward and that was what she didn't like. Uncertainty was not her friend. It hid things that were better left in the open.

Walking into the Chapel, they entered into an open foyer. Off to the right was a desk with an older lady sitting behind it with short curly white hair. She greeted them with a smile and a thick heavy accent. "Americans I presume?"

"Canadians but close," Tamara said, returning her smile. Logan took her hand in his.

"And you'd like to get married, yes?"

They knodded.

"What about you two?" She gestured towards Jason and Darla.

"Oh, no. Not us, just them," Darla replied quickly, her cheeks turning a bright crimson.

If Tamara didn't know any better, she'd say that Darla was enamored by Jason, but kept it close to her chest. The boys were clueless, but girls could sense these types of things. Should she let Jason know? Did he have any idea? Or was he too busy playing the jealous friend to even notice?

"Great, just sign here and we'll call you when it's your turn. There's only one person in front of you," the lady said before glancing at Tamara. "Did you want to wear a veil?"

"No. I'm good, thanks." A veil would look tacky with her shorts.

"Hey give us your cameras, we'll take pictures," Jason suggested, holding out his hand.

Her parents were so going to kill her for this or did they think that he'd try something like this? Hopefully it was the latter because getting the third degree from her dad was not fun. She swallowed hard as they took a seat on the bench to await their turn.

"So you guys were high school sweethearts?" Darla asked.

"Yep. She was my one and only!" Logan responded, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

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