Eight | Mini Golf & Suprises

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I got suspended from music class. Wagner suspended me for not coming back to class on her orders. It's all Bieber's fault too. If he would just stop trying to be the center of attention all of the time things would run smoothly. Now I'm going to miss a week of important class time. The showcase is in a month and a half and there's no time to waste. I have to find someone to make an instrumental for me and I have to write my own song because I'm not doing anything with Bieber. If I only get half credit, so be it. I lay back in my bed and close my eyes. Writing music is so damn difficult. That's why I never try.

♛ ♛ ♛

I wake up from about an hour nap. As I'm opening my eyes there's someone sitting across the room on Beverly's bed. My vision's still a little blurry so I don't quite know who it is. I know it's not Beverly though. It was a male figure. Once my vision was 20/20 I nearly fall out of my bed.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" I sit up and pull my hair away from my face. As much as I wanna jump to the other side of room and pound Bieber's face out, I don't.

He stands up and sighs. "I wanna apologize for getting you suspended. Mrs. Wagner told the class today."

My face turns red from the embarrassment. Why would she put me out there like that?

Bieber steps a little closer. I could tell in his eyes that his apology was sincere. But, I didn't care. I get up out of my bed and make it up, trying to ignore the fact that he was there.

"Anyways," he continues. "I think while you're suspended we can still get together and work on our song."

Now I was all ears. I turn around and squint. "Do you really think we're finishing that stupid song? I'm working by myself now."

"You're really going to quit because of some stupid karaoke session?" Bieber scoffs. "You're pathetic."

"Look." I walk towards him until we were standing face to face. "I didn't ask you to come here and harass me today. I don't even know how you got in here! Just leave out of my room and never talk to me again."

He steps a little closer. A little too close for comfort. Bieber shakes his head. "I can't do that."

"Well why not?!" I shout.

"Because I---" he shouts back and then stops. "Because we have a project that needs to get done. That's why."

I back away from him and plop on my bed. He's still standing there, very annoyed.

"Why are you making this hard for us?" he runs his fingers through his hair and leans against the wall. "Can't we just get along? We're gonna be in each others presence for another month and a half. Let's make something good out of it Dana."

For the first time since he opened his mouth, he was right.

"Yeah." I tuck my hair behind my ear. "I guess."

Bieber smiles and for once, his smile was kind of cute. (note that I said kind of)

"So you wanna work? Or we can wait until tomorrow."

"Tomorrow." I answer. "I'm not prepared."

He puts his hands up in defense. "That's fine with me."

I don't respond. I just sit there.

"So...it's only five." Bieber begins. "Wanna like, hang out in the lounge or something. I mean I'm not doing anything else."

"Hangout?" I asked. I hope he knows this is still kind of awkward to me. Just a few minutes ago I was hating him. Now he wants to hang out.

My Best Friend's Roommate: (Justin Bieber Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now