Chapter 30

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Arthit looked at Kong's sleeping face. His dark, long lashes brushing against his bronzed cheeks, while even deep in sleep, his eyes never seemed to be truly rested. His haunting dreams a constant presence in his consciousness. The puffy bags beneath his eyes slowly subsiding after having shed one too many tears. Tears that should have never had the opportunity to exist. Tears that Arthit should have prevented.

They hadn't gotten around to discussing anything about his life yet. In fact they hadn't spoken more than a few words since Kong's shaking body had finally ceased his silent sobs. Arthit had reluctantly let his arms drop from around his lean frame and tenderly brushed his palms across Kong's face to wipe away the tear stricken cheeks and mouth. And while Kong attempted a shaky smile, they had automatically linked their fingers together and made their way out of Dey's apartment back towards theirs. 

The only words that had broken their silence since that moment was Arthit inquiring if Kong was hungry, to which Kong merely shook his head before crawling into bed and pulling the covers over him and falling asleep. And it somehow felt that this was the first time he had truly slept. Although how much at peace he truly felt was questionable as it had been several hours since he had once stirred. Like a weight had finally been lifted off his shoulders and he could find the rest that he had desperately been searching for all these years. 

Arthit on the other hand had been on edge ever since the catastrophic reality had slapped him right in the face. It didn't feel like he would ever truly be able to sleep again. Rest and peace seemed out of question for him when for so long he had been blind to things going on around him. He didn't think he would be capable of falling asleep next to Kong ever again in the fear that he misses anything related to Kong again. 

So with eyes stinging with having been awake for a few too many hours and all the unshed tears he  laid next to Kong's sleeping form, patiently looking at the features like he was trying to imprint this picture into his memory forever. Like even if blinked for a fraction too long the scene in front of him would vanish forever.

It wasn't for a few more hours until Kong finally stirred from his slumber. The first sight his half dazed eyes focused on was Arthit's face barely a few inches away from his. Worry, and tiredness shrouding his features. A scowl permanently stamped on his forehead, and yet a small smile greeting him awake.



"How are you feeling?"

"Good, I guess. How long have I been asleep?"

"About fifteen hours."

Kong let out a quiet chuckle before shifting his stiff body slightly to stretch out the crinkles from his joints. In turn bringing his body almost flush against Arthit's.

"Wow, seriously?  I guess I am pretty much fired fromall my jobs now, what do you think??"

It didn't seem like Arthit was about to see the humor in this situation as of now, so he once again grabbed his hand and turned Kong to face him again. 

"I called and let everyone know that you were not going to make it. I didn't want to do it for you, but you need to let them know that you are going to quit."

Kong had opened his mouth but quickly shut it again. Whether to argue with that statement or to agree with it, Arthit didn't know, and neither did it matter. He was done wasting time constantly running around inane conversations. It was time they finally began discussing things he desperately wanted to hear. This time directly from Kong.

"Why didn't you tell me anything?"

Kong opened and shut his mouth several times. Almost attempting to formulate an answer before letting out a visibly frustrated sigh.

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