Chapter 18

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12 years? 12 goddamn years? Do you have any freaking idea how long 12 bloody years are to be in love with someone? That's...that's not even possible is it? Of course not. There is no conceivable way a one sided childhood crush can last this long. 12 years in love with him? This Arthit? Seriously?

Surely it wasn't all love always. Like the time when they were barely 10 and Arthit got mad at Kong cause he wasn't letting him win during some random game and shoved him in the lake behind the house. Kong was sick for over a week from the dirty lake water. There would have definitely not been any love floating around that week, right?

Or what about when Arthit discovered the secret stash of chocolates Kong used to save for years and Arthit ended up eating most of it. That was probably the only time Arthit saw Kong bawling his eyes out.

And then there were the many, many dozens of nights where Arthit had made Kong stay up late into the night to help him with his homework. And the word help being totally exaggerated since most of those times it was either Arthit lazily playing games next to Kong, or more frequently than not, just shoving the homework towards Kong and then bailing completely to hang out with his friends or go on a date with his girlfriend.

Oh right, let's not forget the girlfriend angle of this situation. Surely, all those amorous thoughts were firmly stamped out when Arthit sneaked in more than one girl into his bedroom over the years. And since he wasn't very sneaky in his attempts nearly every one in the house had full knowledge as to when he had a girl in his room, which obviously included Kong. In fact Arthit even clearly remembered bragging about his conquests to Kong. More than once.

And if reminiscing about the countless childhood debacles related to Kong weren't enough to turn him into a blushing, embarrassed mess, he finally arrived to the biggest fiasco of his life. If what Kong had confessed was true, and knowing Kong there was literally no reason to ever doubt him, then he had basically forced Kong to live under the same roof as him while he happily waltzed around with his girlfriend, Nam.

Arthit buried his face in his hands as he remembered all those months of torture he must have inadvertently inflicted on Kong. All those multiple times when Kong was forced to leave the apartment and sleep god alone knows where while Arthit was banging his girlfriend. Oh God! Kong had literally even walked in on them having sex once.

Arthit groaned as he kept reliving the past year of their supposed love triangle while nearly every single action seems to have led to Kong being slapped in his face with Arthit's relationship. Either the fool is a saint or a downright masochist. Who in there right mind would put themselves through living with the person you supposedly love with the girlfriend being constantly, constantly , around. Kong, that's who.

He wasn't a just fool, he was a goddamn idiot. The biggest, stupidest, dumbest, cutest idiot that ever existed. Why would he go through so much all by himself without once opening his blasted mouth and telling Arthit about any of his feelings. What did he think Arthit was going to do? Seriously how would Arthit's behavior be any worse than it had been without knowing how deep were Kong's emotions.

If Arthit hadn't already devolved into a blubbering mess after spending the entire day having finally beginning to look at their entire relationship through the lens of Kong's life, he realized he hadn't yet responded to Kong's message. So he jumped over his own legs, pounced over the bed and reached for the phone and then stilled.

What the fuck was he supposed to respond anyway?

Here Arthit had been stressing out for weeks about being the one pushing Kong into situations he wasnt ready for, and instead Arthit finds out the object of his obsession has been in love with him for over a decade. He doesn't even need to question as to why Kong wanted to run to the woods as soon as Arthit made a move. He would have done exactly the same if the man he was madly in love with, who by the way was only very recently single, having given no signs of interest their entire lives, out of absolute no where suddenly tried to make out. It was enough to raise all sorts of red flags. Kong had no conceivable reason to trust Arthit. Arthit himself had no valid arguments to make Kong want to stay.

He had only very recently discovered his attraction to his childhood friend, and this is not even addressing the gay factor of that sentence, so how in the heaven's name was he supposed to compete with Kong's years of deeply set emotions. This was clearly not a game or experiment for Kong and Arthit wasn't sure how far he was ready to take it. Perhaps taking some time away to figure out where to go from here wasn't such a terrible idea after all?

Except Arthit physically whacked his head as soon as that thought crossed his mind. There was no way he was going to permit Kong with all this empty space between to think any more than necessary. The speed with which Kong made his moves it would easily be another decade before Arthit got to kiss those lips again. Which pretty much leaves all potential progress of their relation on his shoulders and then figure out the future as it unfolds.

So Arthit sent some innocuous response, asking him if he had reached ok, had dinner, settled in alright and a stream of other harmless questions. Thoroughly intending to keep anymore heavyweight conversations strictly restricted to when he can clearly see Kong's expressions. And since Kong was obviously not the type to vocally declare his deepest emotions they naturally fell back to their banal messages, while Arthit very impatiently counted down days of his return. Atleast this time around Kong was more than diligent in his responses. In fact for the entire week that Kong was gone they managed to have multiple conversations, exchanged some hundred messages, even managed one of those all night long phone calls that separated lovers share.

And then one day the messages stopped. And so did the calls. Just like that.



Six days later Arthit had enough. The days where Kong's existence from Arthit's life vanished in the blink of an eye were long gone. If Kong wouldn't contact him then Arthit would track him down. Luckily for him Kong had mistakenly texted his location sometime last week, which like a bonafide stalker he had immediately saved. Going as far as mapping exactly how far from him Kong was in that instant. And if all of a sudden he began overwhelmingly missing Kong how soon he could get to him if he drove like a mad man.

Turns out it was just shy of 3 hours with breaking all speed limits, swerving around like a crazy person at the slightest hint of slowing traffic along with praying non stop for no red lights.

Hence, here Arthit stood. Outside a strange cottage in some obscure countryside that he had never even heard of before. Hoping to find Kong on the other side of the door and God alone knows what else.

And perhaps for the first time in his entire life did he get a small taste of what Kong has been going through for all these endless years as the green monster roared loudly within his chest. The person who flung open the door wasn't Kong or even his mom but none other than the same woman he had watched kiss Kong. The one greeting him at the place where Kong had begun ignoring him was Dey.


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