Chapter 5

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Kong felt the softness of the pillow and the mattress under his stiff body as his addled brain slowly started shaking off the fog of sickness and the drowsiness due to the medicines. He could feel the soreness of his limbs even more acutely now that they were supported by the comfort of a bed after a very long time. And it might have taken him a lot longer to figure out where he was if he wasn't immediately hit with warm, familiar scent of P'Arthit completely engulfing him under the thick layer of the comforter.

And now that he had realized where he was, and it looked like his fever might have finally broken, he knew he should get up. He has no idea how long he has been sick and how many days he has been inconveniencing P'Arthit and now would be a good time to finally get out of bed. But somehow he just couldn't manage to make his body move. He couldn't even find it in him to open his eyes to figure out what time of the day it was.

All he could think of was stealing just five more minutes of resting his aching muscles while being surrounded by the overwhelming essence of the man that generated more than one bittersweet emotion in him. He was even contemplating greedily snuggling a little deeper into the pillow when he felt a featherlight touch brush against his cheek. The soft caress slowly trailing down his jaw before a cool palm pressed against the flushed skin of his neck, a warm breath only inches away from his face, calling out his name a low, calm voice.

Kong slowly opened his eyes to find Arthit peering down at him, a prominent line of worry clearly shrouding his forehead, which was immediately replace by relief when their gaze locked.­­ Arthit gave him a brief smile, his hand still firmly gripping Kong's neck before a husky whisper rushed out of his mouth.


Kong wanted to respond, he truly did, but he was struck a little speechless at having suddenly woken up to Arthit's face barely a few inches away especially since he had yet to recover most of his faculties after being sick for god knows how long.

"How are you feeling?"

The question also seemed to be accompanied with Arthit casually beginning to rub his thumb slowly over Kong's cheek and along the sharp lines of his jaw, distracting him even further from fully taking in their current situation. And after staring blankly into his eyes for a few moments he decided the only way he was going to manage to snap into attention was if there was atleast a little distance between them. So Kong fell flat onto his back, mainly trying to move away from Arthit's distracting closeness.

But instead of breaking their contact as he had intended, Arthit moved along with Kong, his entire frame now looming over him, his hand not once leaving Kong's skin as Arthit continued gazing down at him. Continuously searching his face for traces of lingering illness while Kong could feel his heart beating wildly against his chest. And it had very little to do with him having barely recovered from a high fever.

And the longer Kong was struck frozen the closer Arthit kept moving. Close enough now that Kong could clearly see the flecks of gold in his eyes, the long eyelashes continuously brushing against his pale skin. The frown slowly making way back into his forehead as he kept waiting for Kong's response.

They stayed like that for a little too long, the only sound breaking the still silence of the room was the loud beating of Kong's pulse, unsteadily increasing in rhythm. Both of them having long forgotten the unanswered query still lingering in the air. The slow, soft movements of Arthit's thumb slowly coming to a halt near the corner of his mouth. Barely a whisper of a touch on his lips.

And as Kong continued staring into his eyes, watching them flash one expression after another each increasingly indiscernible, Arthit parted his lips slightly, his tongue slowly peeking out to moisten his chapped lips, before he attempted to speak again. Kong diligently tracking the journey of the pink tip when he suddenly snapped his gaze back to Arthit's eyes before his momentary lapse was discovered.

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