An additional punch shuts him up again. The audacity of this boy.

I'm in the middle of picking out rice when arms wrap around me. My debate between brown or white rice is interrupted by a kiss pressed to my temple.

"I'm sorry for being childish."

The twins like white rice better, now the question is do I need a whole bag or just a box?


A bag it is, there are five of us after all.

I reach for the bag and a hand cuts me off. "Don't make me bring out the puppy dog eyes in the middle of the store."

He wouldn't.

I sigh as he moves my arms to around his neck, nudging my face with his own. After rolling my eyes at his neediness, I look up at him. His gray eyes widen as he makes a sad face, his arms sneaking around my waist.

Oh my God. "You're a pathetic loser, you know that right?"

He nods his head, "Very pathetic."

Indeed he is. Ashton leans down to kiss me and I jerk my head away, not so fast. His grip tightens and after another couple seconds I give in. We're in a grocery store for Christ's sake.

"But I'm your pathetic loser." He adds sincerely.

Before I can respond, a voice interrupts us. "You two are just precious."

A woman is watching us, clasping her hands over her heart. She's got to be in her late 60's but there's a youthful light in her eyes.

"Thank you." I say, slightly embarrassed.

I expect her to move on but she smiles at us, "First apartment?"

I stare at her, completely lost before she motions to our cart which is piled high with food and necessities. I haven't done any shopping since spring break, the Rhodes house is currently empty of basically everything.

Wait a minute. She thinks that Ashton and I live together. Like adults. In an apartment. It humors me for a second but then I wonder what it would be like. If our future holds such a promising life.

"No, ma'am, we're in high school still." I explain.

"Could've fooled me." She offers with a wink before walking down the isle.

What a weird experience. I turn to Ashton to find him already smiling down at me, we sit there for a moment before a smirk works its way into his face. "What else do we need for our apartment, Sweetheart?"

Something tells me he's not going to let that comment go and honestly I don't think I will either.


Hours later, I'm in the kitchen, trying to make dinner and failing miserably while Ashton distracts me.

"What do you think you want to study in college?" He asks, eating a handful of bacon bits.

"I don't know, art therapy interests me." I admit, it's something I've been looking into.

I've always used art as my outlet but I could actually help someone else. Prevent them from going through the same spiral I went down.

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