33: identity crisis

357 33 96

Dr. Shiro entered the chatroom

Pidge entered the chatroom

Pidge: holy shit you've been absent dude

Dr. Shiro: Hello to you too!

Dr. Shiro: I've been busy sorry.

Pidge: I mean I figured I just missed you

Dr. Shiro: Really? Aw that's so sweet!

Pidge: nope lolol just kidding

Pidge: just being nice bc @ Allura says I have to.

Dr. Shiro: Well kindness does make the world go around.

Allura entered the chatroom

Allura: I said that because you were literally bullying Lotor while he was buying you groceries?!

Pidge: Teasing is more like it lolol

Dr. Shiro: Not cool Katie.

Pidge: you're not cool

Allura: That's was kinda weak.

Pidge: I panicked and it was the only thing I could think of

Pidge: change the subject so I don't die from embarrassment about my lame ass attempt to have a come back !!!!

Allura: We haven't changed our group chat name in awhile!

Dr. Shiro: Hm I don't know what to talk about... I guess I could finally ask one thing.

Pidge: ask away

Dr. Shiro: How's your literal identity crisis going?

Allura: Huh? I'm lost

Dr. Shiro: I mean are you Katie or are you Pidge?

Dr. Shiro: At the moment you seem to be going by both.

Pidge: Good question.

Pidge: both and both is good.

Dr. Shiro: Alright.

Allura: I meant to ask you how that nickname came around

Pidge: There's two kind of incidents that the name came to stick.

Dr. Shiro: Haha!

Allura: What do you mean incidents?

Pidge: Shiro calls me Pidge for an entirely different reason as the rest of them but they don't know it because it's the same nickname you know?

Pidge: Everyone knows the original story

Pidge: but Shiro is sworn to secrecy about the other.

Pidge: but I'm willing to share with Voltron I guess

Dr. Shiro: Really?

Pidge: The reason everyone calls me Pidge by Katie Holt

Pidge: When I was little we were at the park and we doing normal family things but this pigeon kept following us. I noticed it and really really wanted to bring it home but of course my parent said no

Pidge: Fast forward to when we were leaving and while I was hysterically sobbing and screaming for this pigeon I called Pidge

Pidge: And then my parents who wanted to leave and stop getting dirty looks from the people in the park told me a lie so we would leave !!


Pidge: When I got in they told me I was Pidge and drove off and I'm still kinda mad

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