26: crush

337 31 128

Romelle entered the chatroom

Romelle: holy shit @ everyone Lance had a date

Romelle: with a hot guy too!

Pidge entered the chatroom


Lance entered the chatroom

Lance: it was not a date!

Keith entered the chatroom

Keith: oh

Keith: did you have fun

Lance: It's wasn't a date!

Lance: It was anything but a date!

Romelle: I don't know he seemed pretty into you

Lance: I was punched in the face!

Lance: He was helping!

Keith: are you ok

Lance: yeah I'm fine

Lance: my nose is a bit bruised and sensitive but that's expected

Dr. Shiro entered the chatroom

Dr. Shiro: @ Lance What's this I'm hearing about you being punched in the face?

Pidge: What the fuck happened?

Lance: I'm just about to explain what happened

Lance: Romelle and I went out last night because we wanted a break from studying

Lance: We went to the usual bar

Lance: Some drunk guy got a little handsy with Romelle

Lance: Me being the gallant knight that I am saved her from said man

Lance: but alas I thought the quest be easy but it was not

Lance: He punched me in the face and I got a bloody nose in front of everyone

Romelle: The plot thickens as a beautiful stranger approaches with napkins and cradles my hero's head

Romelle: His name is James Griffin works as an intern at our hospital

Dr. Shiro: I know him!

Dr. Shiro: He's a second year intern and I work with him sometimes. He seems nice.

Romelle: He's alright

Dr. Shiro: I don't know him that well. I just sometimes see him around the ER. He's friend with Kinkade.

Lance: !! I have no idea who you're talking about !!

Dr. Shiro: Next time I see him at lunch I'll point him out.

Keith: do you think hes cute

Lance: I mean he's alright looking I don't really like people based on appearances alone

Romelle: he's cute

Pidge: Don't let Matt hear you say that, he'll die for your favor

Pidge: What bar was it?

Pidge: Does it have cameras?

Dr. Shiro: Pidge...

Pidge: yes?

Dr. Shiro: You're not getting the video of Lance being punched in the face.

Lance: Hey!

Pidge: you're no fun

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