Chapter 3: Meeting

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Sasuke's pov

"Come on Sasuke! Do you really think you can beat Itachi like that?" Orochimaru yelled.

I took a deep breath in then-

"Katon: Gokakyu no jutsu!" I blew out a giant fireball towards him.

I heard a grunt of pain come from the smoke in front of me.

"Well done, Sasuke," Orochimaru said, coming out of the smoke. "This is it for today. It's getting late. You'll need your rest for training tomorrow."

"Hn," I said walking past him.

Instead of going to my room, I went outside to get some air. I looked up at the sky.

It was filled with stars.

"I promise I'll be there when it's time. I'll always be right here if you need me."

I've always wondered if she was telling the truth. She's never been one to break her promises... but another thing; she's always been loyal to the village.

I doubt she'd become a rogue ninja, just for me.

Well it won't matter anyways. I'm going to kill Itachi with or without her help.

I sighed and walked back inside. I went to my room and sat on the bed.

Throughout the years Hanako has always been my friend. No matter what, she always took my side in everything.

She was a really odd person. I can't believe she even agreed to that promise we made as kids. The only reason I asked her was because when I imagine the future, the only person I can picture there is her.

I really don't understand it. I've tried to picture other girls in her place but somehow she's the only one I can see there.

I shook my head, trying to clear it. When it came to Hanako, everything was always confusing.

I slumped back onto my pillows. Maybe sleeping would help me clear my mind.

Sasuke's dream 

Third person POV

"Sasuke! Slow down!" 

Laughing he turned around and shouted,"Nope! You'll have to catch me!" 

Itachi sighed and said,"Fine. Here I come!" 

The older brother began running after the younger one. Screaming and laughing, Sasuke tried to pick up his pace, but in no time at all, Itachi caught up to him. 

"AAAAH!" Sasuke screamed as Itachi caught him. 

"This never works, you know. I'm always gonna catch you," Itachi said. 

"Not all the time," Sasuke replied. "I'll outrun you some day!" 

Itachi chuckled  and placed Sasuke back on the ground, just outside of the park. 

"Okay. Well, I'll come pick you up at 6:00," Itachi said. 

"Ok!" Sasuke yelled, running to the swingset. 

Suddenly, he heard yelling coming from behind the bushes. When he went to check it out, he saw a group of boys ganging up on a tiny looking girl. 

She looked so terrified that Sasuke felt bad for her. Then one of the boys said to her,"Why are you here anyways? Nobody wants you here." 

The girl didn't say anything. Tears started falling from her eyes. 

"Awww, is the little brat crying now?" one of the boys said. 

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