Chapter 18: Through the Dark and Into the Light

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Hanako's pov

Destroy Konoha?!

Was he out of his mind?!

The masked man whom I learned was named Tobi or Uchiha Madara told me the truth about Itachi.

I didn't believe him at first.

But then it started to make sense.

That was why he asked me to protect Konoha from Sasuke.

I went for a walk outside the hideout that night.

When I was a good distance away, I stopped.

My eyes were filled to the brim with tears.

I fell to my knees, crying.

"Why did it have to be like this?!" I cried out.

I bawled my eyes out for quite a while.

When I had finally calmed down enough to think, I came up with my resolve.

I stood up and walked back to the hideout.

I walked into the room that Sasuke was staying in.

He was sitting on a bed, looking out the window.

I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around him.


"I know," he said before I could continue. "You never break a promise, right?"

"That's right," I said.

I'm won't break my promise to you either, Itachi.

"Hanako. About us..." Sasuke started.

"You don't have to tell me," I said.


"It doesn't matter how you feel about me right now. All that matters now is that I love you. I don't expect you to say it back to me. I just want you to know."

We stayed in that position for a while.

Not talking, not moving, not anything really.

Sasuke's pov

I'm really thankful that Hanako told me that.

With everything that had been going on, I had no time to think about feelings.

"Why do you still insist on helping me? I'm surrounded by all the darkness in the world. I'm going to destroy the village you love, yet still you're staying here with me. Why?"

Hanako replied, "I just can't let you walk alone through all of this darkness. I want to walk with you through the dark."

I was speechless.

I could think of nothing else to say to her.

She always had a way of surprising me with her words.

Hanako's pov

"I just can't let you walk alone through all of this darkness. I want to walk with you through the dark."

And if you ever find it, into the light.

Hi guys,
Hope you liked the chapter.
Also, thank you so much for all the votes!
I can't believe this story has 174 votes.
You guys are so awesome! And so amazing!
I love you guys.
Have an awesome day/night!

~Kelly >.<

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