Chapter 11: Memories

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Hanako's pov

"Well, you have no chance with me," I said, before shutting the door in his face.

I turned around to see Karin sitting on her bed, staring at me.

"Yes?" I asked her.

"Nothing," she said, turning away.

I walked over to my bed and laid down.

"Hanako," Karin said.

"What?" I said, without sitting up.

"Are you and Sasuke together?"

"What?! Who told you that?"

"No one told me. I just assumed since you guys seem like a couple."

"Well, no. We're not a couple. Just friends," I told her.

"Hm. Then I guess you won't mind if I 'make some moves on him'."

"Uhhhh... no I don't mind at all," I said, awkwardly.

"Look," she continued. "It's obvious that you and Sasuke have a thing for each other. So let's make a deal."

"Uh... sure, whatever," I replied.

"I know you have feelings for Sasuke. I can tell," she said.

I sat there silently waiting for her to go on.

She continued, "I just want you to admit your feelings for him. Not to me, not to him, but to yourself. Just tell yourself the truth. You love him. Otherwise, you wouldn't be here right now."

I stared at her.

"I don't like him that way. I never have and never will. I am not a fangirl."

She sighed.

"I never said that you're a fangirl. I just said that you love him. And don't bother denying it. I know the truth."

"Okay fine. Maybe I do love him as a brother."

"No. It's more than that. You're in love with him. Why is that so hard for you to admit?"

I sat there quietly again. I didn't have an answer for this question.

I stared at the floor for what seemed like years before Karin finally spoke again.

"Is it because you're afraid of being rejected? Or that you just don't want to ruin your friendship with him?"

I looked up at her when she said that.

"Hm. I thought so," she said.

She went on, "I know it's hard for you to admit your feelings. If you do admit them to yourself, and get into a relationship with him, I'll respect it and let you to be. But if you're really as stubborn as I think you are and absolutely refuse to admit your feelings for him, I will attempt to get him to fall in love with me and you will stay out of my way."

"What?" I asked, incredulously. "That was the deal you wanted? Man, you fangirls are crazy."

I started laughing. Very loudly, too.

"I'm not kidding," Karin replied.

She sounded kind of mad.

"Well, I'll be going now," I said, still laughing.

I walked out of the room, snickering.

Sasuke was outside with his back pressed against the wall.

"Hey Sasuke," I said, cheerfully walking past him.

He grabbed my arm.

"Hanako. Come with me," he said.

"What? Why?"

"Just come on," he said, pulling me away with him.

He pulled me all the way up to the roof.

"What are we doing up here?" I asked him.


He sat down and laid back.

I stood next to him awkwardly for a few moments before he pulled me down next to him.

"Relax," he said. "I'm not trying to do anything."

So I leaned back and laid down next to him.

I stared up at the sky.

It was full of stars.

"This feels nostalgic, doesn't it?" Sasuke said.

"Yeah," I replied, softly.

It felt good to be next to him like this. I'd missed being with my best friend. And now here I am, laying next to him, staring up at the stars, just like we used to all the time.

"Sasuke, what do you think the stars represent?"

He turned to look at me.


"The stars. What do you think they represent?" I said.

"Nothing. I don't care for that kind of thing," he said.

He sounded slightly annoyed.

"Hmph. Well I think that they're memories. When I look at the stars, I think back on all of the happy memories that I've had, and I feel as if I'm at peace. They bring light to us in the darkness. Seeing them makes me happy and it makes me want to help make other people happy too. They guide people to happiness so that there'll be more happy memories to think of."

I turned to look at Sasuke again.

His face was blank but I could see the twinkle in his eyes.

It seemed as if what I'd said had sparked an interest in him.

"So is seeing the stars making you happy right now, Hanako?"

I blinked in surprise.

"Well yeah. I remember all of my happy memories. Most of them are with you," I admitted.

"And you like to bring happiness to people too, don't you?"

"Yeah. It makes me happier if I can make other people happy too."

"Well, it seems that you've made me happy, too," he said.

"I have?" I asked, incredulously.

"Yes, you've made me happy," he said.

I stared at him.

I made him happy by saying that?

I was still staring at him, when he leaned in closer.

"Now, let's make a happy memory together," he said, smirking.

My heart began beating faster as he leaned in closer and closer.

I closed my eyes as his lips touched mine.


Hi guys!!!


I was really busy last week cause of Christmas and I was out of town a lot and yeah.

I know it's late but Merry Christmas!!! And have a happy New Year!!!

I hope you guys like this chapter. I honestly think it wasn't one of the best that I've written and I hope that the next chapter will be better.

Tell me what you guys think in the comments.

Anyways that's all for now. I'm not gonna bore you with this long note anymore.


~Kelly ^.^

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