"Y'know, you're gonna be a really good dad one day, Alwynn," Wisteria commented, leaning against the wall next to the cupboard whilst Alwynn rearranged some of the items in there.

"That's if I can ever find a nice guy and settle down."

"What about that friend of your parents?" Wisteria teased, a sly smile on her lips.

"Vant? I wish," Alwynn sighed dramatically, "he's such a gentleman and not to mention undeniably attractive," Alwynn groaned, resting his forehead on the cupboard door, "if only I were ten years older. Twenty-two isn't too big of an age gap, is it?"

"Not to me but I think your parents would definitely have some strong opinions on that situation," Wisteria's smile suddenly flourished and she gripped Alwynn's hands, "not to steal your thunder but I actually have something to tell you," Alwynn awaited the elaboration, knowing Wisteria always had a flair for the dramatic, "I'm pregnant," Alwynn's jaw dropped open, "I was gonna tell you last night with Jeth, and then I thought of leaving it until we were next all together but that wouldn't be for a week and a half and I didn't think Jeth could keep his mouth shut that long," Alwynn pulled Wisteria into a tight hug, grinning more than usual.

"Oh my God, Wist, that's amazing. Congrats," letting go of Wisteria, Alwynn bit back the tsunami of questions he had, "how far along are you?"

"About six weeks, we're hoping for a little boy, although I think Jeth wants twins. A girl and a boy, it would probably be easier in the long run," sometimes Alwynn wished he liked women, purely so he could raise a family of his own. He had no problem with adoption and hoped one day to create his perfect family in any way possible, yet nothing could compare to one's own flesh and blood. Wisteria was so lucky, and Alwynn wished her the best, honestly. It simply piqued his own paternal instinct, he supposed the children at the school would have to suffice.

"In the light of the moon, a little egg lay on a leaf. One Sunday morning, the warm sun came up and - pop! - out of the egg came a tiny and very hungry caterpillar. He started to look for some food," Alwynn flicked the pages of the book, holding it out in front of him so the children sprawled around him could all see the pictures. He liked reading to them, even did different voices for each character, it was nice to bring the books to life for them.

The reading area was simply a pile of cushions and bean bags, able to hold groups of six or so children at a time, and Alwynn was usually the one reading. Currently, he was laid on the biggest bean bag, with a child either side of him and three strewn around his head, all staring intently at the book in his hands.

"On Monday, he ate through one apple. But he was still hungry. On Tuesday, he ate through two pears, but he was still hungry. On Wednesday, he ate through three plums, but he was still hungry. On Thursday, he ate through four strawberries, but he was still hungry. On Friday, he ate through five oranges, but he was still hungry," Alwynn glanced up when he heard the door to the classroom open, seeing Nolan walk in first, a pit of irritation setting in his stomach. He was not taking time out of his actual requirements to suck that man off, that was a step too far.

"And this is the class that your daughter would likely join," Nolan's booming voice grated on Alwynn's nerves, along with that sickly smile the man wore.

"On Saturday," Alwynn continued, opting to ignore Nolan as much as he could, "he ate through one piece of chocolate cake, one ice cream cone, one pickle, one slice of swiss cheese, one slice of salami, one lollipop, one piece of cherry pie, one sausage, one cupcake and one slice of watermelon," Alwynn smiled at the chorus of giggles he received, knowing that was always the children's favourite part, "that night he had a stomach ache," Alwynn looked up once again, almost swallowing his tongue at the sight of Vant and Eternity stood with Nolan, all watching him. With a small wave, Alwynn continued, finishing the book just as Nolan called him over.

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