Chapter 5

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I heard a crack and froze Adam tensed up.

“I smell vampire” he said so I sniffed the air and he was right there’s a vampire around. I can only smell 1 it can’t really hurt us. The sent was really familiar but I couldn’t remember who it belongs to. Then a saw Eli come out of the trees he was on our land but I didn’t mind I mean I’m allowed on his so I don’t see why he’s not allowed on ours. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Adam growling. I hit his chest and he gave me a confused look.

“That’s Eli he’s a friend…I think” I said he nodded but looked confused.

“Kind of friend?” he asked I sighed.

“It’s complicated don’t ask” I told him he nodded. We made our way over to Eli he looked angry?

“Hey Eli” I said he glared at me. Okay what is his problem?

“Go away you’re a werewolf and I hate werewolves!” he hissed Adam growled at him.

“Nobody talks to my cousin like that!” he growled he looked like he was about to shift. ‘Stop them’ my wolf told me. ‘This is gonna end badly’ she said I rolled my eyes sometimes my wolf annoys me. I grabbed Adams arm and dragged him away he gave Eli the finger I sighed.

“JAMIE, ADAM’S HERE!” I yelled and Jamie came running down the stairs he smiled at me then stole Adam. I decided to watch my Mrs Browns boyz series 2 episodes that I recorded. I remembered what Eli said and I felt a pang in my chest and I don’t know why but I felt upset? I mean why would he say that? He was being nice to me yesterday was that just an act? Why is he doing to me? Why does my heart hurt at the thought of him hating me? Why does he hate me? What did I do? I mean I know we’re meant to hate each other but he doesn’t have to be the biggest prick ever about it! I sighed and went to get some ice cream, Ben and Jerry’s cookie dough bitches. I always go hyper on sugar that’s why people don’t normally give me sweet things or let me drink red bull.

“Oh no not ice cream” I looked up and saw Louise and grinned.

“Oh yes ice cream” I said and she stuck he tongue out at me I rolled my eyes. I went back to my room and continued watching Mrs Brown’s boyz. I was half way through the series when something was hitting off my window I looked out hesitantly I saw Eli standing under my window I rolled my eyes and continued watching the telly. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder I jumped and yelped.

“Ssshh beautiful it’s just me” it was Eli I sighed and slapped his arm. He rubbed his arm where I slapped.

“Are you fucking bipolar or something?” I asked he sighed and ran his hands through his sexy black hair.

“Look I’m sorry about earlier I was jealous” he said my eyes widened.

“Of what?” I asked he sighed and gave me am Isn’t-it-obvious look I rolled my eyes.

“Your cousin” he mumbled I shook my head bit my lip and blushed. He came closer to me.

“Why?” I asked he sighed.

“Because I thought he was your boyfriend or your mate or whatever. I got annoyed and took it out on you and I shouldn’t have. Brianna you’re beautiful, innocent, kind and you smell really nice and I really wanna get to know you all I know is you name and age” he started rambling I chuckled and he stopped to breath.

“What’s my full name then?” I asked.

“Brianna Rose Davis” he said.

“Impressive you take note of my dad” I said. If you haven’t noticed already my and my dad don’t get on very well at all he’s an asshole. I sighed at that thought.

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