Brisa is in trouble and I have to help her.

I stopped when I saw a sight that made chills crawl up my body. The water dramatically turned red. One area was infected by what was probably blood. The thought made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

I quickly bent on my knees getting a closer look at the water. If Brisa was there I had to get her out right then. That was most likely her blood and if she lost too much, death would be knocking at her door.

The red circled a rock that was situated in the middle of the stream. I didn't have time to think. I jumped far out in the water and slid to the rock. I pushed myself underwater and found a body. The horrific sight was only helped by the fact this it was Brisa. I quickly pushed myself down to her grabbing her arm. I started to pull her when something caught my attention; something that I failed to see before. A creature attached to her leg. It was viciously sucking on her ankle.

I rushed to the surface for air and pulled the knife from my belt. I dived back down trying to see what was in the water around me. I found Brisa again even though she was starting to slide off the rock. I quickly pushed her back and pulled myself to her legs. I swiped my knife at the hideous grey creature. It had four legs and resembled a human. It didn't see me so my knife slipped through the flesh in its head, releasing a nasty black substance. It relinquished its grip on Brisa allowing me to drag her up to the surface. My arm was securely around her waist, but I was struggling to get air as I was supporting not only me but her against the current.

Kham was waiting on the shore. His clothes were torn, and he had huge claw marks across his forearm and face. His eyes were lost and dead, but when he caught sight of me he awakened. I gripped the rock with one hand and held Brisa in the other. I yelled at him.

"Grab her when I pushed her to you!"

I knew the boy was tiny and beat up, but I was hoping his adrenaline would be high and he could get the extra strength he would need to save her.

He quickly nodded his head and kneeled at the edge. His arms were out as I reached pushing Brisa towards him. Her head kept bobbing up and down and I knew she was unconscious, which didn't help the already dangerous situation.


I yelled at him. I didn't want any more of those creatures to come back and decide to eat us.

Kham grabbed under her arms as he struggled to pull her up. In the meantime, I pushed against the rock and grabbed shore. The water had pushed me down a bit, but I made it to land. I pushed myself to a standing position then ran to Kham. I grabbed Brisa from him and pulled her legs on shore. I dragged her away from the water's edge. She was pale and cold, and her lips were blue. I held my hand under her head as I yelled her name.

"Brisa! Brisa!"

The water would drown out the noise just in case there were other tributes around. I continued trying to wake her.


I shook her and when there was no movement I started to panic.

"Wake up!"

I laid my head over her heart, but all I heard was the scary sound of silence. I had to get her alive again. In the Capitol I had been trained on how I was to do it, so started immediately. I had no time to waste. I opened her mouth, then pressed on her chest with both my hands trying to restore airflow. Then I took her face breathing my air into her lungs.

I repeated over and over. Each time my anxiety increased. I couldn't lose her. She was the breeze that made the small flame inside me grow into a fire; Something that could catch, and free, and change its surroundings. She gave me something to fight for and something to hope for, and if she died so would my hope.

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