Chapter 11

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*From Rowan's perspective*

     The cold night air chilled me to the bone. The morning had been a blur. Everything happened so quickly that it was hard for me to process what had been going on. I had underestimated the extent of the games. Since being told that I would win I hadn't taken into consideration what really I would be going through to get to victory. The capitol had promised I would be living but they never said I would be in good condition. It almost made me feel like a regular tribute, but I did know that they were watching out for me. When I first entered the arena I found a backpack and my choice weapon only feet in front of me. That was no coincidence. I thought the plan would work out perfectly because Brisa and I would have supplies and a weapon when we left the cornucopia. We would be set for success. That's when it hit me, I was missing the most important part of the plan; Brisa. It seemed that I could find every other tribute, but just not her. she was directly opposite of me, behind the cornucopia, which made getting to her 100 percent more difficult. I tried to concoct a new plan but, I would need time and that was something I didn't have. The timer was counting down the seconds. There was no time for planning, only action. I decided that I would try to run around the cornucopia and maybe she would be on the other side waiting for me. I knew it would be risky but at this point, I didn't have anything to lose except her.

Once the timer hit zero I immediately bolted off my platform and reached my supplies in a matter of seconds. I slung the bag over my shoulder and grabbed the arm sword. In the capitol, it was called a Bladed Tonfas but that was to fancy for me so 'arm knife' worked fine.

 In the capitol, it was called a Bladed Tonfas but that was to fancy for me so 'arm knife' worked fine

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

I quickly strapped it on my arm. I had done it so many times in the capitol it felt like muscle memory. That's when I lifted up and scanned the arena. Brisa was nowhere in sight. I felt my anxiety increase as I took in the complexity of the situation, but I continued with my plan. I started running around the perimeter of the area until I was stopped by two very annoying careers. Ombré hair and the boy from 2 were standing in front of me. It was almost like they had been waiting for me. I didn't realize until then how much more of a target I was because of my score.

Ombré girl had her hand on her hip and was holding two very deadly looking knives.

"Hey, Rowan....I say we should just get rid of you right would make things easier for everyone."

As she gestured to the dying kids around her. I was kinda shocked by the irony of the situation.

Strong boy held out his clenched fists that were armed my metal knuckles.

"Let's make this quick...what do you say?"

"If dying is your wish then go ahead I was wanting to get a little dirty anyway."

I replied smartly. I knew that the capitol wouldn't let me die so I let my confidence show.

I held out my arms in a ready position with my blade aimed at them. Ombré girl made the first move. She jumped forward swinging her knives at me. She swung right then left then right, back and forth. I quickly dodged each swing as I was stepping farther back. She swung again and I blocked it with my blade.

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