It took her a minute to find it; she picked up on the fourth ring, "Hello?" It was odd having people call this phone, especially since not too many people had the number.

"Where the hell have you been, I've been trying to reach you since last night."

She smiled and walked back into the kitchen. "Good morning to you to Ari. What's so important that you're blowing me up?"

"What's so important, your career is so important, and me being the best agent ever I managed to book you an audition for a feature."

"Oh really?" she asked dully as she poured herself a glass of orange juice.

"Well who pissed in your cheerios, you don't seem too excited."

" It's kind of hard to get excited when you keep sending me to audition for these shitty movies, that last script you sent over my niece could of done a better job writing."

"Come on Raven, it keeps your name out there and it's paid work."

"Repeat after me Ari, quality over quantity, that's all that matters to me."

"I'm gonna go broke representing you. How'd that little cash thing go?"

Raven laughed almost spitting out her juice. "It's Young Money Ari, and it went well, it's going well actually."

"That's good, I sent a courier over with the script, it should be there any moment now. Just look it over, sleep on it, and give me your answer in the morning."

"Will do." As soon as she hung up, a knock came to the door. She turned down the bacon and when to answer it.

A faint knocking sound brought Drake out of his slumber. He went to stretch only to hit a body, he looked over and saw Dollicia knocked out, a smile crept across his face, after last night she was definitely gonna be out for awhile. They talked about making their 'relationship' official, and somehow he was okay with that. Maybe it was because he had feelings for her, or the fact that he was lonely. All of the long tours and late nights in the studio were catching up to him. He was tired of the one night groupie thing and was ready for something real. The two of them had been on off for months now, nothing official, he'd call when he was in town and they'd hook up, or the other way around. She'd become something familiar to him, and she wasn't a bad arm piece either.

He got up and reached for his jeans; when he picked them up a phone fell out. He looked at it strangely at first because it wasn't his, then it hit him. 'Raven' how could he forget. She was bad, in more ways than one. The fact that she made him laugh was a plus. They talked for hours last night and not at one point of the conversation did he get groupie vibes from her, she was down to earth and he liked that about her. The only problem was, she wasn't feeling him as much as he was feeling her.

Drake looked at her picture and shook his head, 'just give her, her phone and keep it movin,' he thought to himself. He threw on his jeans and his black ovoxo shirt, when the smell of bacon invaded his nostrils. He then put on his sneakers and left the bedroom. Music was gently floating in the air and it sounded like someone was singing along. He bobbed his head to the beat following the smell and sound.

Raven stood over the stove putting the finishing touches on her food while she sang along to her favorite Aaliyah song, 'I Care 4 You'.

'Hey my baby
Why you lookin' so down?
Seems like you need a lovin'
Baby you need a girl like me

Hey my baby
Tell me why you cry
Here take my hand and
Wipe those tears from your eyes

Can I talk to you (Can I talk to you)
Comfort you (Comfort)
Let you know (Just wanna let you know)
I care 4 you (oh yeah)

Can I talk to you (I wanna talk)
Comfort you (Gotta let you know babay)
Let you know
I care 4 you (I care)

Hey sexy baby
Why'd your girl leave you in pain
To let a fine man like you go
She must be insane
Hey sexy baby
There's no need to worry
Oh boy if you call on me
I'll come, I'll come in a hurry'

Drake stood there listening along to the music and the woman singing. He figured it was Dollicia's roommate; he never got the chance to meet her since those they were either meeting up in hotel rooms or she was out of town when he was there. From the back she looked very tempting, especially the way her hips were moving along to the music, but he wasn't about to get too excited, he knew from experience that, that could all change the moment she turns around.

Since Dollicia was still sleeping he figured he'd just go ahead and introduce himself. He casually walked closer to her; he was surprised she didn't feel his presence in the air. She continued singing her heart out content in her own little world, he almost didn't want to interrupt her, but he did, "you sound good ma," he said with a smile.

Raven didn't hear the words; all she heard was a voice, a man's voice. She screamed and jumped at the same time. Her reflexes quickly came in to play; she turned around smacking the person standing behind her with a spatula.

"What the fuck?!" Drake's hand went to his cheek, not paying attention to the woman anymore. "Are you crazy?" he asked as he checked for any signs of blood.

Raven went to swing again, but she stopped, she knew that voice. She lowered the spatula to get a good look at the person she was attacking. "Aubrey?"

He was pissed, all he wanted to do was say hi and he ended up getting slapped with a kitchen utensil. The adrenalin was slowly started to fade, he looked up at his attacker getting a view from the front. "Raven?" They both stood there, stuck and surprised.

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