"Those two can't avoid each other forever."

"They seem to think they can." I really didn't understand what the two of them were doing. Luke knew that he wanted Claudia and Claudia knew that but she just refused to admit that she wanted him too.

"Hmm." Calum shakes his head then lets out an annoyed groan.


"I don't want to go to work." Calum pouts.

"Don't look at me like." I repeat getting a grin from him. "You should count yourself lucky, I have to go help Sam with table settings."

"Shame." Calum pokes his tongue at me. "Sounds like torture."

"It probably will be."


"Genie what one?" Sam asks holding up two different place settings that looked almost identical.

"Uh..the left?"

"Right it is." Sam smiles.

"Why did you even ask me?!" I laugh. Sam definitely hadn't changed one bit.

"I don't know." Sam shrugs. "You know Genie I really didn't anticipate that planning a wedding would be this hard."

"I can see that." Sam only barely started and was so stressed already. I knew that I was definitely in for a rough time as maid of honour.

"There's just so much to do. It's actually insane."

"Good thing you have me to help then." I give her a bright smile which she returns.

"Thanks Genie. It really means a lot to have you here helping me especially when I've been a bit of bitch." I almost fall of off my chair at Sam's words. It was rare for Sam to apologize let alone have her own up to something.

"Don't mention it." I shrug giving her a smile. Since the night of my birthday Sam had been nothing but supportive when it to mine and Calum's 'relationship' which was a nice change.

"Gosh what would I do without you."

"Probably not find the right place setting." I tell her and she cracks a smile.

"So Andrew and I had dinner with Emma and Ashton the other night."

"Oh really? How was that?" I ask. I loved the fact that Emma had become close with all of us and I knew that it meant a lot to Ashton as well.

"Did you know that they're in the love bubble now?"

"I did actually. Ashton told Calum about it like two weeks ago, it's adorable really." I gush,I really couldn't be more happy for Ashton.

"Does that like....I don't know bother you?" Sam asks making me raise an eyebrow at her.

"Why would it bother me?"

"Because you and Calum have been together longer but you two aren't at the stage yet?"

"No." I shake my head a small laugh falling from my lips. "Our relationships are completely different."

"Right. Speaking of you and Calum." Sam smiles. "Have you figured how you feel yet?"

"Yeah." I answer with a smile. "I love him." My heart swells at the fact that I had finally admitted it to someone, it was honestly such a good feeling.

"Oh my god!!" Sam Squeals excitedly. "When are you going to tell him?!"

"Um I don't know."

"Come on Genie just do it! It's so simple." And there's that word again. Telling Calum how I felt was anything but simple and Sam nor anyone could really understand that.

The Boyfriend Project. C.H. (A.U.) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now