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Taehyung stood outside his house as it already felt like it had been forever since he'd been here.

All this had happened in a few days and it already felt like this was for a lifetime. But that was not his main worry, he just wanted Jimin back.

Opening his door, he called through his house for his mom, letting Jungkook and Jin enter as Jin went straight through to the lounge to try and think.

It was then when Ailee ran around the corner, her face lighting up when she saw them.
"Tae Tae and Kookie are back!" She screamed as she ran and hugged both of their knees.
"I missed you so much!" She spoke as they both smiled at her.
"We missed you too" Taehyung bent down, hugging his little sister properly as he had missed the feeling of her tiny arms around him and seeing her smiling and happy face every day.

"Tae? Kookie? You're back?" Taehyung's mother came down the stairs as she pulled them both into a hug, kissing the side of Taehyung's head as she then looked around.
"Where's Jimin?" She asked, noticing the look on Taehyung and Jungkook's face.

"He left last night while we were asleep and the werewolves have him" Taehyung explained as she lifted a hand over her mouth in shock.
"Mommy! There's another elf in the lounge!" Ailee came running in from the living room as she'd snuck off whilst they were talking, Taehyung's mother growing confused as she sent her daughter upstairs so they could have a conversation.

"He's the leader of the elves, Jimin's friend and he's here to help us" Taehyung explained as his mother nodded, walking through as she stopped where she was when her and the elf in front of her made eye contact.

"Jin..." she breathed out with a shaky voice as Jin gave her a small smile.
"Hi Minji" He spoke softly as Taehyung was shocked when he saw his mother choking up, tears forming in her eyes.

"Wow..." Jin breathed as he stepped forward slowly
"You've changed so much" he spoke, his mother nodding her head.
"I-it's been a long time since we've seen one another" She spoke with a smile as Jin laughed, nodding his head in agreement.

"Mom... you know him?" Taehyung asked as she turned and smiled at him, taking a deep breath.
"Remember when you met Jimin, I told you I met an elf before?" She asked, Taehyung nodding as it suddenly hit him what she meant by that and why she was so shocked to see Jin.

"I can't believe you have two kids now, is your- your husband around?" Jin asked quite shyly as Minji smiled, looking down
"I'm divorced" she told him as he gasped
"I'm so sorry, I-"
"No, it's okay I- I only had eyes for one person anyway" She told him as he blushed at the comment, looking down at the floor.

"Anyway, Jimin's in trouble!" She quickly headed off into the kitchen, Jin taking a seat as Taehyung noticed he couldn't take his eyes off her until she was out of sight. Had he known this whole time?

"So what can we do?" Taehyung asked as he and Jungkook sat down
"Well whatever happens, you need to be in there" Jin told him
"In where?" He asked
"The werewolf lair" Taehyung nearly choked on his own saliva.
"If anything happens to Jimin you can protect him, we just need a way to get us all in" Jin thought for a second as he looked around the room.

Taehyung thought to as he was using every brain cell he had to think of a way to get in. He found himself staring at his game as he remembered when he and Jungkook used to play it. That was when he would always be the werewolf, when he thought they were badass. That has now changed.

That's when a light bulb went off.

He was always the werewolf.

'He's a fighter this one' he remembered Namjoon saying.

"Send me in as a werewolf" Taehyung spoke as all eyes went on him.
"You What?" Jungkook asked in disbelief.
"Send me in as a werewolf, there must be a spell for it!" Taehyung spoke as Jin nodded
"There is But it's really not that simple, otherwise I would have suggested it by now" Jin sighed.

"If you decide to do that, then there's the chance that if they manage to reel you into their lives enough, you will stay a werewolf forever" Jin spoke
"It wares off after a day if not but even a few minutes of them taking you in can lead to it becoming your normality" Jin spoke
"And with someone like Namjoon who I've heard is very open arms to new people to join his team, it might be easy for him to take you on. It's too much of a risk" Jin brushed off the idea.

"It's a risk I'm willing to take for Jimin" Jungkook spoke as Jin looked at him, about to convince him otherwise, only he saw that he genuinely was willing to do this. It reminded him of his own protector who looked after him when he needed it and the feelings that grew between him and her. He realised then it had happened again between Jimin and Taehyung.

Maybe this was the only option they had.

"Okay.. but I advise Jungkook becomes something too. If you're going to get involved then you can't just be a human" Jin warned as Jungkook thought for a second.
"What about a vampire? I always wanted to be one of them when I was young!" He spoke like a child as Jin nodded his head.
"Vampire will do" He stood up as the both of them did.

"I'll make the potion. It might take a while, especially for one as strong as a werewolf one but Jimin needs us" Jin spoke as he headed out to grab what he needed and begin making the only thing that could potentially save Jimin.

But what if Jimin was already dead? What if they killed him there and then and they already had the pearl? That wasn't right. Taehyung could sense he was alive. Something inside him told him he was.

Taehyung's mother soon came back in as she smiled at the two boys.
"So what's going on?" She asked as Taehyung sighed.
"I'm becoming a werewolf to trick them and get Jimin out" Taehyung explained as his mother had worry and fear all over her face, although she knew there was nothing she could do about it.
"How are you so chill with this? If it was my son, I'd-"
"I'm not chill with this at all but I know what has to be done" she spoke, wrapping her arm around him
"I just hope to god you come out in one piece" she said as she kissed his cheek.

"So... Jin?" Taehyung asked as she tutted.
"It was years ago and it was just a bit of a shock to see him again after all these years, I was 16 when we met after all" She explained before leaving.

Taehyung smirked at Jungkook who just shrugged his shoulders. It was a very funny world to live in.

It seemed the gap between elves and humans was getting smaller and smaller with every passing day.

Welp if anyone has read the colour purple, they'll know why I'm in shock and horror at the first few letters that are in it.

It's an amazing book but holy shit I was not prepared for those opening paragraphs.

Elves | VMin FanfictionOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara