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Taehyung lay in the dark, his only source of light being from his phone screen as he watched videos on YouTube from his favourite creators.

He didn't realise the time until he turned and looked at his clock, seeing it was 12:30. Looking out of his window, it was pitch black as only street lamps were lighting up the dark streets.

Instantly he groaned as he really could do with a chocolate bar that they didn't have in the house since he forgot to buy some. He knew the store was open now but he hated going out in the dark. Especially late at night.

He sighed as he got up, putting some trainers on, shoving a hoodie over his head as he pulled the hood up and quietly crept down the stairs, leaving his house as carefully as he could so he didn't wake anyone.

It wasn't that his mom would shout at him for leaving the house that late, he was seventeen after all, but he also knew his mom wanted him to be safe so him sneaking out was probably better than telling her and having her worry all night.

Running down the road, he was quick to make it to the corner shop, buying his favourite bar of chocolate and a soft drink as he paid and began to head home.

As he rounded the corner from his house, his phone went off in his pocket. The bleeping alerted him since the streets were dark and eerie looking. The majority of them were silent too as no cars were driving past with only the occasional person walking on a main road where all the usual shops and takeaways were open.

It made Taehyung feel very anxious and on edge to be out at this time, especially when it was cold and the wind was picking up as the temperature felt like it was dropping by the second. It was still the beginning of spring after all.

As his phone bleeped, his heart nearly leapt out of his chest, hearing it echo around as he was quick to get it out once he caught his breath back, his heart slowly calming down to a normal pace as he stared at his very bright screen.

His hands shook from the cold as he held it, seeing it was a text from Jungkook, asking him for a question on the homework that was due in the next day. Or more like in a few hours.

He rolled his eyes as he began to text his friend back. Jungkook was always late with homework since he was the real game addict. At least Taehyung actually made time for his school work in between gaming and eating. Otherwise his mom would go mad at him, claiming he wasn't being a good example for his younger sister.

He always tried to be a good example for Ailee. She was so young and influential and he always wanted a younger sibling since he was young. A few years ago when he was nine, his parents announced they were having a baby girl and Taehyung was bouncing off the walls with excitement. His dream family was finally coming true.

Then the arguments came.

His parents would be non stop fighting in the evening through to the night. They'd wake him and baby Ailee up as Taehyung would go get her and cuddle her, trying to stop her crying that they couldn't hear over each other's screams that overlapped one another, both of them too stubborn to listen to a word they were saying.

Most nights his dad would be heard walking to the door, opening it and slamming it as he made the whole house shake, Taehyung squinting his eyes as it felt like it would crumble on top of them. Then his mom would come up and cuddle the both of them to sleep. She'd sing them a lullaby or tell them a story and though she wore a smile, he remembered her strained voice from shouting and the tears that were always threatening to spill from her eyes with the occasional sniffle.
Her heart was never with his father. It always seemed like it was elsewhere even when Taehyung was young. He could sense it.

It would be the same every night and in the morning they'd wake up to find him at home once again. Although the both would barely share a word to one another.

It was the same routine until one day his dad walked out and never came back.

He never knew where he went when he woke up the next morning and couldn't find him in his study doing paper work or at the dining table with a coffee or even his car parked in the drive way.
He knew something had happened when his mom was no longer wearing the beautiful wedding ring she always wore on her dainty finger.

For years he wondered where his dad went and when he'd come back until he finally realised he wasn't coming back.

By that point, he didn't want him back.

His cold fingers began to type back as he carried on walking with his head down, rounding the corner to his house as he didn't hear the footsteps of somebody running straight towards him.

His heart leapt into his mouth as he felt his whole body go flying across the floor as he landed on the concrete, his phone hitting the floor as the first thing he did was check if it was broken. He sighed with relief when he saw it wasn't. His eyebrows furrowed as he realised someone had bumped into him, turning to check if they were okay as he was shocked by what he saw.

A lad who looked around his age, slightly smaller than him, sat up on his hands as his adorable wide eyes stared at him in the amber street lamp light. He had beautiful plump lips and adorable chubby cheeks as well as gorgeous and fluffy black hair. That's when he saw something, peculiar.

His ears were pointy.

Taehyung's eyes widened as the boy seemed to notice where his eyes were directed, his breath hitching as his tiny hands lifted to cover them, leaping off the ground and running off as quick as he could, his breath panting and before Taehyung could utter a word he was gone.

Taehyung shook his head as he scrunched his eyes together. He must have been seeing things. No way did that boy have pointy ears. But then he saw on the floor glitter.

It was like the glitter Ailee described as his eyes followed where it was leading and it was the direction which the boy had ran.

He wasn't, magical, was he?

Who was he...
What was he...


Guys, I made my first tiktok that's BTS themed and it's lowkey blown up what do I do with my new found fame lmao jk I have no fame

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