Part 102: Hissy Fit

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Virgil's POV:

I repeatedly gouged my little claws into the wall as Mikhail droned on, only half listening at that point. I didn't really give a crap about whatever shpheel the old man was on; what really mattered at the moment was getting the shit-fiddles behind me to realize that I hadn't kicked the bucket.
I'd run out of curse words to scream at them in my head pretty early on, so I had to be increasingly creative with my insults; Fuck-whitted twat wads was my personal favorite so far.

"I ask only that you decide where you are going before you leave this place, and go there immediately without delay. The House and possibly the Resistance will be tracking all of our signatures; the less energy we have in one place, the harder it will be for them to do so. Go where you wish, but for now, at least, we cannot remain together."

I growled in annoyance at the lack of acknowledgment of both my death and my presence. God fucking damnit! Did those Cock sockets seriously forget about me?!

Nuh-uh. Nope. Hell to the no.

I put my last finishing touches on my debut objet d'art and turned around to yell at them to pull their thumbs out of their asses and look the fuck over. It came out as an irkingly adorable little meow, but it did the trick; everyone stopped at the sound and turned their attention back to where it belonged: on me.

However, the ensuing reaction was much more annoying.

Jericho squealed in a girly show of delight and ran over to pluck me off the floor. "Oh yeah! I forgot about this little guy," she said as she cuddled me -cuddled me- up against her chest. I yowled and hissed, but she didn't seem to notice. I couldn't bring myself to scratch her, though. Not because I  was overly fond of her or anything... it was just that Dark would probably beat me to a bloody stain if I so much as laid a paw on her.

"Wait..." the Demon in question murmured, walking past where I was being smothered to look at the wall that I had been scratching at.

'Yes! Fucking finally! Read it and weep, you dumb bastard!'

Jericho's POV:

"Darling..." Dark called, pulling my attention away from the black haired cutie, "You might want to see this."

I looked over to see him crouched on the other side of the room, looking pointedly at me and tapping the wall beside him. There were little words etched messily into the wood that I had to squint to read. My eyes widened when I finally deciphered the message:


"Well. At least there's some good news for a change..." Anti muttered, a smirk in his voice. "There's only one person who could have written that."

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