Chapter 15

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Oliver knew he had screwed it up again when you took a step back, looking at him with anger and disbelief but you didn't get it. He wouldn't be able to focus knowing you were close to the danger while he was fighting it. It was a huge distraction, one he just couldn't afford.

"What?" You asked, giving him the chance to take it back. Although, you knew him better than that.

"It's just... I need you to be protected, away from here" he tried to explain.

"You think I'm not protected here?" You questioned raising an eyebrow. He sighed knowing you wasn't going to make it easy.

"That's not what I meant" he said but you interrupted him before he could say anything else.

"Yes it is. This is not about my protection Oliver. This is about your consciousness being calm" you told him. "You never wanted to come here in the first place and this is just your best excuse to take me back to a place where I don't want to be" you added.

"That's not true!" He frowned. "This is not about me!" He exclaimed.

"It's always about you! You kept this vigilante thing from me because you thought it would be better for me, did you ever think how I would feel about it?" You said louder. "This thing about going back to Star City is not even about protection, is about me dating Barry because you're so arrogant you think he's not good enough for me!"

"Of course he's not good enough for you! He's just a kid playing to be a hero for fuck's sake!" You raised an eyebrow at his words and then shook your head.

"At least he hasn't killed anyone" you replied coldly.

You weren't an idiot, you knew how much those words were going to hurt him but at that point you didn't care anymore. You wanted your brother out of your apartment and if you had to do it by hurting him then you would, just like he had hurt you.

"What?" He whispered.

"Do you think I don't remember all the people the Arrow killed when he first appeared in Star City?" You asked. "I was afraid of him. Really afraid" you told him. He gulped.

"I'm not that guy anymore" he said shaking his head.

"So?" You crossed your arms looking at him death serious. He closed his eyes and looked down. "Leave" you told him simply. He looked at you surprised. "I'm not repeating myself, Oliver" you added.

He bite his lip and took a deep breath before walking to the door. You didn't even more from where you were.

"This is not about me" he whispered before walking out and closing the door.

When you were left alone you leaned against the table and let out a shaky breath. You never thought you would be so mad at Oliver, you never thought you would tell him such things knowing it would hurt him but there you were. You had just kicked your brother out of the apartment, the person you had always looked up to and, at the moment, you didn't want to see.

Eventually, you forced yourself to go to your room. It was getting late and you had the feeling it was going to be a long night. You climbed onto your bed and laid down, looking at the ceiling, waiting for the sleep to come and get you.


Next day when you woke up you considered your options. You could go to STAR Labs and see how everything was going, spend the day there helping as much as you could and, most important, knowing what was going on. But Oliver and Thea would be there and you didn't really feel like seeing them. You could also stay at home the whole day, driving yourself crazy imagining the worst and torturing yourself. It looked like the choice was obvious.

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