Chapter 11

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That night you weren't able to sleep. That sound The Flash has made really got stuck in your head. It sounded like Barry but that was impossible. Barry Allen couldn't be the scarlet superhero, it just didn't make sense. Plus, he would have told you right? You were his girlfriend after all and being a superhero was kind of a big deal. He wouldn't keep something like that from you.

But what if he did?

At 4 a.m. you just couldn't stay in bed any longer so you got up, made some coffee and sat at the table with your laptop to start digging now about Barry. You felt bad doing this. Asking him would be easier but you knew he would never tell you anything. He would just tell you to stop searching and that wasn't an option.

Looking into Barry turned out to be even more frustrating than looking into The Flash. He was just a guy working for the CCPD, there was nothing about him except some news about some police cases in which he collaborated. Nothing else. When the sun was already up in the sky you were just exhausted but it was then when you found something you didn't expect to find: Barry Allen was struck by a lightning the night the particle accelerator exploded.

When you read that, you changed your searching pattern and searched information about that night and about the boy who was struck by lightning. Indeed, Barry had been in a coma for months because of that. Apparently, when the accelerator exploded he was working in his lab. After a time of being treated at the hospital, STAR Labs took him in to take care of him and it was there where he woke up six months later. According to all the sources, he felt fine when he woke up, like nothing ever happened and he just went back to his life.

That was weird. He got struck by a fucking lightning and no side effects? Nothing? You could have kept on digging but you knew there was only one person that could answer your new questions and he wasn't going to be happy about them. You got up from the chair, feeling sore after all those hours sitting down, and took a shower, got dressed and headed towards Barry's house, ready to question him once and for all. He knew something about The Flash, you knew it, you felt it, and he was going to tell you what he knew.

Fifteen minutes later you parked in front of Barry's house. After taking a deep breath, you got off the car, locked it and headed towards the door. You had to admit you were a bit nervous when you knocked. Barry wasn't going to like it when he knew you had been investigating him but you really needed to get to the bottom of this. You just couldn't let it go now.

"(Y/N)! What a nice surprise" Joe said with a warm smile when he opened the door.

"Morning, Mr West" you smiled back.

"Oh please, call me Joe and come in. We were just having breakfast so you can join us" he said stepping aside so you could walk in.

"Thanks Joe" you smiled walking in and looking around. You loved this place. It looked so familiar, so cosy, so...home.

"How's everything at college?" He asked leading you towards the dining room where Barry was. "Look who showed up for breakfast" he announced.

Barry looked up from his phone and immediately he smiled before getting up. It looked like he just got up since his hair was all messy and he was wearing his pj's. He was adorable.

"What are you doing here?" He smiled wrapping his arms around you.

"I came to..." for a moment you considered just telling him but you didn't want to cause a scene in front of Joe so you just looked at Barry and pecked his lips. "I wanted to have breakfast with you" you shrugged.

"Then join us" he smiled pecking your lips again. "I can assure you Joe's pancakes are the best in town" he winked while you took a seat.

"He's lying" Joe said. "They're the best in the country" he added making you laugh.

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