Chapter 13

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When Barry paid that visit to Oliver, the vigilante couldn't believe what he was hearing. Aliens? Were they real? Apparently they were and they had always been according to Layla. Neither him or his team knew how to defeat them but they knew they had to try so they headed towards Central City immediately. At least he would get to see his little sister.

At the beginning he didn't see too many chances of winning but once he saw the whole team together, including Supergirl, he really thought they could win this one.

"Okay Cisco, we should probably get started", Oliver said once the presentations were done.

They all looked at the screen where Cisco projected a photo of one of the aliens. It was so weird looking at one of them and thinking they were actually on Earth. With a sigh, he looked at Barry.

"So these are the Dominators" Barry informed putting his hands on his hips. "We don't know much about them..."

"Except that they're really strong", Kara cut off. "I heard a lot of stories about them when I was a kid. They came to my planet before I was born, they did experiments on a lot of people, killed a lot more..." she explained. Well, this wasn't going to be easy.

"Well, they're not the only ones with superhuman strength", Thea interrupted. "I heard Barry saying that you're more powerful than a locomotive"

"We should use Kara for training" Oliver said crossing his arms over his chest.

"Since when was Robin Hood calling the shots?" Mick, aka Heatwave, said. Oliver turned his head to look at him with an eyebrow raised.

"What I think Mick is trying to say is that it would be nice if we knew who was in charge", Jefferson rephrased.

"I think we should take a vote, choose a leader, someone we can all trust" Ray proposed.

"Well I trust Oliver" Cisco said immediately. "He's got my vote"

Oliver frowned a little and looked at Barry. It looked like something had happened between them and broke them apart which seemed impossible the last time they saw them.

"I appreciate that, Cisco", The vigilante said after seeing Barry's face. "But Barry put us all together, it should be him"

Barry looked at Oliver surprised as well but he was completely sure of what he said. Oliver trusted this guy, probably with his own life and he knew he would make a good work.


When Cisco and you walked into the nave it looked like a fight in there which kind of scared you since you didn't expect it. There was people flying, some other on the floor. It was even a bit confusing.

"Barry!" Cisco exclaimed. "(Y/N)'s here"

You looked around for Barry, worried. Maybe Cisco had said he was okay but you had to see it for yourself. Finally, you spotted him a few feet away from you. He really did look okay. With a sigh of relief you started walking towards him but you stopped on your tracks as you saw a man in a green leather suit. You had seen that suit too many times on TV, on the news, on the internet. The Green Arrow was really there.

"(Y/N)?" Another voice said behind you. You turned around to find yourself face to face with your sister Thea wearing a red leather suit you also recognized. "What the fuck?" She mumbled.

"You...what are you doing here?" You asked not really knowing what else you could say.

Somehow you knew the answer but it was so unexpected and it made no sense at all so you just couldn't wrap your head around it. But it was right in front of you. Your sister was Speedy, which meant...

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