Chapter 8

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You couldn't believe you just gave Barry another chance. You swore to yourself you wouldn't do it, that it was over. But there was something about him, something you didn't know what it was, that made it impossible for you to say no. Maybe there were his eyes, those green sparkling eyes that never ceased to bright; maybe it was his smile, that one that never left his face, maybe it was just him. He was a nice guy, he was kind and smart. Probably the best guy you had ever liked.

And it scared you.

Actually, it was stupid. You had always been with "bad guys". You just couldn't help it and, most of times, they ended up hurting you. Somehow you deserved it, as Thea always told you. And for the first time, you liked a normal guy, a nice one, and you got scared. It made no sense. You wish you could talk to Thea about it, or at least someone, but you didn't have many friends. You knew some people from college that you liked, but you didn't get on that much with anyone just yet.

Luckily for you, the moment you got off the car once you got to the college, you knew who you could call: Felicity. She wouldn't tell Oliver or Thea if you asked her not to. She could be trusted. So you leaned against your car, after checking you still had time, and dialed the hacker's number.

"What do I owe the honor?" Her voice said on the other side after the second tone. You smiled widely.

"I need some...boys advice" you told her.

"Do you think I'm the best for that?" She laughed.

"Probably not. But I don't want Oliver or Thea to know about him and I know you won't tell them" you explained.

"It is about that Barry that didn't stop calling you?" She asked. She really was good. "I'm going to take your silence as a yes" she laughed. "What's wrong?"

"I think I like him" you said. Saying it out loud to someone else actually felt good, it was like taking something off your shoulders.

"So...? I kinda put that together when you were here" Felicity replied.

"I'm scared" you shrugged as you looked down at your shoes. "He's a good guy, really. For once, I've found a nice man who likes me back and I'm scared" you chuckled shaking your head. "Does it make sense?"

"Liking someone is always scary" she said. "Maybe it scares you the most because you don't know how to handle a good boy" she added laughing a little.

"Maybe" you sighed. "I have a date with him tonight and I'm already nervous" you admitted.

"I know it's probably the first advice in the book but just be yourself (Y/N)." She said. "It's obvious, but that's the best thing you can do. I don't think there's nothing you can do to shake off the nerves but being yourself with him is your best weapon"

"I guess..." you whispered. "But I've been myself the whole time and it hasn't been working out that much" you told her as you remembered the two times he left you.

"Just give it another shot and if it still doesn't work then, maybe, he's not for you" she said.

You frowned and looked up. You hadn't really thought about that. Maybe you just weren't meant to be as more than friends.

"You're right" you nodded. "I'll give it another shot and we'll see what happens I guess" you shrugged. "Thank you, Smoak" you smiled.

"Anytime. And don't worry, I won't tell your brother or your sister" she assured you.

"And thank you for that" you smiled even more. "I gotta go. Thank you again!" You repeated before hanging up the phone.

After that small talk you definitely felt much better so you took your bag from the car and headed straight to the building where you would be having your first class of the day.

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