Chapter 1

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Your entire life had always looked like a movie. And not a funny or romantic one. More like a drama. At the beginning, it was like a princess story: you were the youngest daughter of the Queen family, you had an easy and happy childhood, you could get anything you wanted just by named it. You even were a bit spoiled if you were honest to yourself. Then Oliver and your father went on the journey and never came back. Your life changed. The life of your entire family changed.

You became a new person. You were forced to grow up and become a woman so it wasn't surprising that when Oliver came back out of nowhere, he barely recognized you. You couldn't blame him but it was too late for you to be the old dreamy (Y/N) Queen. Still, you had hope. Your brother was alive, he was back, so maybe things could go back to the way they were before. But time proved you wrong in ways you would have never imagined.

Before you knew how it happened, you were at Tommy Merlyn's funeral, then at your mother's and when you least expected...Laurel's. It all became too much. Hit after hit, life was taking you down and you didn't know if you were going to be strong enough to take more tragedy so you made a decision: you had to leave Star City before it changed you in ways you didn't want to.

"You're what?" Oliver said when you told him and Thea about your decision.

You had come to the City Hall to talk to Oliver and Thea. You knew Oliver would be too happy. Although everything that had happened had been awful, it had made you, Oliver and Thea come closer than ever before. So you knew it would be hard for them, but you also knew they would be there for you, at least Thea. It would take more time for Oliver to come around.

"I'm leaving Star City" you repeated. "Before you say anything, Oliver, I'm not asking for permission. I'm telling you. I'm leaving" you added crossing your arms.

"Are you sure?" Thea asked with a frown.

"I know you're worried. I'm your baby sister and it's a big step but it's also something I need to do" you said looking at both of them. "I will be fine but I just can't stay here any longer. I've been through too much and after Laurel...I can't take it anymore. I need a fresh start" you explained looking down at your hands. "I know it hasn't been easy to any of you either, but somehow you have managed to be stronger than me" you shrugged.

"You're as strong as we are. We are the Queen's after all" Thea smiled at you as she grabbed your hand and gave you a reassuring squeeze.

"I know we are. But I've been strong for so long that I need a break from everything" you said looking now at your brother.

"Where are you supposed to go?" He asked looking down at his hands.

You knew this was a huge deal for him. You and Thea meant everything for him, especially after Felicity broke up with him. He had always protected you, he had been your rock, your confident, your best friend. However, you knew he would let you go if it was for your own happiness and wellbeing. Still, it would be hard to watch you walk away from him and out of his sight.

"Central City" you informed them. You saw how they exchanged looks of concern, which made you laugh. "I'm not going there to stop metahumans, calm down" you laughed. "I want to study journalism and I'm going to do it there," you explained.

"Journalism?" Oliver questioned with an eyebrow raised.

"Hey, you two are doing important jobs in here. I're the Mayor," you said. "I want to do something that belongs to me. I want to make my own name, not the one the family has given to me," you added looking down at your hands.

"There's no way we can change your mind?" Thea asked with a small smile.

"I already got my place at the university so...not really" you chuckled.

"You're unbelievable," Thea said getting up. "Come here", she said opening her arms.

Smiling, you got up and hugged your sister with strength. She had always been so comprehensive with you, even when you had the craziest ideas she had supported you, which had made her one of your most important pillars in your life.

"Thank you", you whispered as you hugged her.

"If you need anything. Anything. Just give us a call and we will be there, you know it right?" She said in your ear. You nodded with a small smile. "And don't worry about Oliver. He'll come around" she added.

"I know" you smiled pulling away. "I love you"

"And I love you too" she replied.

She looked at Oliver for a moment before leaving the office. Probably she had a bunch of things to do. Taking a deep breath, you turned to look at Oliver who was now standing and looking out of the window.

"How am I supposed to let you go?" He asked.

"By...letting me take your car?" You teased.

"No way" he replied quickly. Even when you weren't seeing his face, you could hear the hint of a smile in his voice. "Are you completely sure about it?" He asked finally turning to look at you.

"I am" you said walking around the desk to stand by his side. He looked down at you for a few seconds before pulling you into a tight hug. "Ollie, I'm going to be fine, I promise"

"Do you really think I'm going to feel better because you say that?" He said.

"I know you won't" you laughed and pulled away. "But I will. Plus, it's Central City, not another continent, and The Flash is there" you said with a smile.

"Don't you dare messing with any metahuman, understand? That's dangerous" he warned you.

"Oliver, I'm joking. I'm not really interested in them" you shrugged.

"Fine..." he sighed. "When are you leaving?" He asked.

"Tomorrow" you smiled.

"Tomorrow!?" He exclaimed.

"Hey! If I waited any longer I'm sure you would find the way to stop me so yes, tomorrow" you said. He narrowed his eyes at you and sighed shaking his head.

"I hate you" he mumbled hugging you again.

"I know you don't" you smiled hugging him back. He laughed a little and kissed the top of your head.

"No I don't, but I hate that my baby sister is leaving" he said making you tear up a little.

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