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Another day in hell, I thought as I walked into the school building. It was the first day of classes for the year. I wasn't nervous, knowing I still had my friends from the previous years. I was just tired. This was my senior year, the year that carries the most stress. With college prep being crammed into one year, teachers trying to assure me that I was going to have a good career, there wasn't any time for just wanted me. But when was there time for just me?

"Yo, Charles!" My friend, Mike, yelled to me. I smiled turning to him, poking his torso with my index finger. "It's Charlie, I hate when you call me Charles," I gave a fake pout. He grinned shaking his head. Mike and I have been close friends ever since his family moved down the street from me when we were both 6 years old. He's a complete idiot, who's irritating as hell, but I love him like a brother.

He slung an arm lazily over my shoulder as we walked down several hallways. "What classes you got?" He took my schedule from my hands. "Core subjects, blah," He laughed before continuing "And then you've got art, go figure." He smirked, handing back my schedule. "Yeah, yeah, tease all you want. But I'm going to be an artist when I grow up, you'll see." I opened my locker with him leaning against the one beside mine. "Well I can see it, your parents pressure you so much into art." He said. I took my books out and turned to him. "The pressure to be perfect is real," Shutting my locker we walked down halls and went our separate ways to our first class.


The excitement built up with each step taken to the art room. Art was the one thing that gave me so much happiness. Looking past the fact that it's one thing my parents have almost all control over, it's my favorite thing to do. I took a seat by my best friend Maddie who was too busy texting on her phone to be bothered to greet me. "Mads," I tapped her shoulder. She looked over to me, a smile creeping across her face. "Charlie, honey, did you do something with your hair?" She pulled at the end of a strand. I swatted her hand away, laughing. "It just got a bit longer."

A tall lean man walked through the door, suitcase and coffee in hand. "Hello," He set his belongings down and removed his jacket, slinging it on his chair "I'm Mr. Styles, your new art teacher." A few girls giggled, all boys remained silent, making it obvious this man was attractive and we all knew it. We just couldn't do anything about it, the biggest struggle of having cute teachers.

I ignored his cute chestnut curls and his plump lips, along with his green eyes. I also attempted to ignore his accent. Do you know how hard it is to try to ignore your teacher completely?

Maddie raised her hand beside me. Here we go. "Yes?" Mr. Styles peered at her. "What's your first name?" I should've known this would be her initial question. "My first name is Harry, but you all will call me Mr. Styles." He smiled. Dimples, oh dear.

"Oh," She giggled, making me cringe. She was in high school I thought she would've grown out of giggling by now. "I have a question!" A girl in our class named Amber said. "What is it? Please, make it quick." Mr. Styles gave his best smile, but I knew he was growing irritated. God is he hot.

"Are you single?" Amber, along with about all of the girls in our class excluding me giggled. He laughed quietly, shaking his head. "How about we get started?" He changed the subject.

Maddie nudged my side. "What?" I whispered. "He's so single," She grinned. "How do you know?" I asked. "Ugh, Charlie baby, you're so naive. Over many years of experimenting I have learned if they aren't single they'll tell you." She told me. I squinted at her. "You're crazy."

"But correct," She shrugged. "You're planning something." I stated. Knowing her, there were several dirty thoughts consuming her mind. "Well," She took out a piece of paper "He wouldn't be the first teacher I've fucked."

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