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The morning sun burned through my eyelids as I began waking up. I sat up a bit and twisted my body to stretch. I look to my left and see Harry casually scrolling through his phone, hair in a better messy bun I could ever do myself. "Hey." I whispered. My throat was dry but there was no water bottle in the cup holder like he used to always have. Everyday when we saw each other regularly, there would always be a fresh cold water bottle. "In case you get thirsty," he would tell me. Now that comfort blanket is no longer there. He isn't obligated to keep me hydrated anymore.

"Good morning," He locked his phone and set it on his lap to look at me completely. "How'd you sleep?"

"I'm a bit stiff, but thanks for staying with me. I appreciate it." I said. "My pleasure. You hungry?" He asked.

"I think I'll grab some breakfast here, go check on my parents as well." As much as I wanted to grab some food with him, I already had came to my senses. I had to get out of this car before something happens. I could spend all day with him and talk about absolutely nothing but I have other things to worry about. That's what he's been trying to tell me this whole time.

"That's alright. I'll call you later." He smiled. He leaned over a bit and for a second I thought he was going to kiss me, but he just unlocked my door. "Thanks. Bye." I opened my door and left.

I took the elevator back up to the seventh floor and went straight to my dad's room. My mom was asleep on the couch, my dad watching the television.

"Hey kiddo, where were you?" He slowly turned his head to look at me. I walked over to him and sat beside him on the bed. "I was with Maddie. She wanted to have a movie night to cheer me up."

"You got good friends, Charles." He patted my hand. "Keep them. Don't let them go, even for a boy. Or a girl, if that's what you prefer." He said.

"Thanks for the life tip pops but why are you saying this?" I asked him.

"Well, when I was a junior in high school, there was this gorgeous girl."

"Was it mom?" I grinned. "No, no. Her name was Jazmine. I thought she was the love of my life. She was a senior, just a year older than me. I was crazy for her. I always got her nice gifts, she got me things too. See that woman right there, on the couch?" He chuckled and pointed to my mom.

"Your mother and Jazmine did not get along. I wanted them to, but no matter what they were always arguing. I finally asked your mother why are you so hard on Jazmine? She just laughed and told me I'd figure out why soon enough. Your mother and I were best friends, known each other for years. I began not wanting to hang out with her. I spent all of my time with Jazmine and ignored your mom at all costs. That was a mistake."

"Jazmine cheated on me with a few other guys. I was heartbroken. I planned on graduating early and marrying her. And your mom, that sweet lady, I let her go. I was an asshole to her for months, but when I went to her house at one in the morning sobbing like an idiot, she just hugged me. Never once did she say I told you so. Just hold your friends close, forever. I deserved to be slapped."

"What made you think of this?" I asked him quietly. "That crazy old Jazmine tried contacting me. I was driving. That's how I crashed." He said. "You're insane."

"You're gonna fall in love. Hell maybe you already have and just don't wanna tell me. Just keep your head on straight." He said.

"You don't have to worry." I assured him.


"Charlie." Harry's voice sounded through my phone. "What's up?" I put down my pudding cup on the side table. "There's an empty parking lot beside the hospital. Could you meet me?" He asked. "Sure as long as you don't kill me." I laughed slipping my shoes on.

I walked outside of the hospital and spotted the parking lot, making my way over.

I saw Harry leaning up against his car, looking down at his phone.

"Hey," I said quietly for some reason. "Hey, can I kiss you really quick?" He asked like it was the most casual question in the world. "What?" I definitely needed some clarification. I felt like I was dreaming.

"I started seeing this girl and we kissed. I just want to see something. Are you up for it?" He pleaded.

How could I say no? I hooked my finger in his collar and tugged him down to my height, putting my lips to his. I don't even care why we were doing this. He put his hands on my hips and pulled me into his body, my hands resting on his chest. This was more than a kiss.

After a bit we finally pulled apart and what could I say? I just stood there and waited for him to say something.

He smiled down at me and brushed his hand gently down my cheek. "I knew it."

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