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The walls were filled with promotional posters for the dance coming up. It was kind of a charity type thing; you pay for the tickets, and the money goes to shelters. Maddie was going with another senior. He was nice, cute, funny. I personally wanted him and Maddie to date, but she's not into relationships. Plus they've been good friends for a long time. I didn't know who I was going with considering my boyfriend was one of the teachers running the dance. And Mike? Who knows, he doesn't really bring dates to these things.

"I want you to go dress shopping with me after school," Maddie smiled at me. "I'd love to, anything to keep me from going home." Ever since my dad confronted me it's just been so awkward. We walked into the art room like we do everyday, and went to our seats. The seats weren't assigned, but everyone just sat in the same seats by their friends.

I glanced at Harry, who was doing the same thing he was doing everytime we came in here. Working on art. I felt bad for a moment because I never asked him what he was working on, but he always asked me. He was really hard to talk to when he was drawing though. All of his attention was diverted to the project; he was really passionate.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, and when I looked up I met a pair of shiny blue eyes. "Hey Adam, what's up?" I asked. "Nothing much, just," He pulled out the seat beside me and sat down. "Do you have a date to the dance?" His cheeks glinted a bright and subtle red when he asked. I smiled in effort to make him relax a little. "No, I don't." His eyes gleamed a bit. "Would you like to be my date to the dance?" I knew that question was coming up, and I was suddenly worried about Harry. I mean I know we're dating, but it's not like I can say that. And I really wanted to go to this dance with someone, even if it couldn't be my boyfriend.

"Sure." I said, smiling. I'm sure Harry would say he's fine with it, I mean I'm not going to kiss Adam or anything. We'll just dance all night. "Really? That's great! I'll pick you up day of the dance at six." He grinned excitedly and walked off. "How does he know where you live?" Maddie asked from behind me. I turned to my left and explained how he came to my family's Christmas party once.


I went to Harry's place right after dress shopping with Maddie. "Hey, come on in." Harry smiled at me. I walked past him and into the house, slipping off my jacket. "Did you clean up?" I asked as I walked into the living room. Papers weren't scattered like they usually were. "Oh, yeah. Well my mum did. She's in town, for something." He put his hands in his pockets, shrugging. "Oh shit, is she here?" I whispered quickly. "No, no, she's not." He laughed at my reaction, pulling me into his chest. I appreciated the strong scent of cologne that always radiated off of him.

"Why is she here?" I mumbled into his chest. "She's helping me with something business related, it's nothing big." He laughed quietly, causing his chest to rumble. I pulled away and sat down on his couch, which he followed. "So I have a date to the dance." I told him. He didn't say anything at first, just stared at me. "Oh?" He said, running his hands through his hair.

"Yeah, oh. It's Adam." I said. "Adam, that asshole." He shook his head and sat back. "Whoa, whoa, he's still your student. Don't overreact." I laughed a little, but Harry wasn't in the laughing mood. "I don't fucking care. I'll be watching him, then. If he tries anything I'll-" I put a hand over his mouth to stop him. "You won't do anthing because he's your student and we will be at a school event. You need to trust me, okay? I won't let him try anything." I rubbed his cheek softly with my thumb.

"So how have things been at home for you? You know, with your dad?" He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me into his side. "Weird, kind of quiet." I let my head fall onto his shoulder. "I'm sorry, baby." He rubbed my arm, kissing the top of my head. "Don't be, it'll get back to normal eventually." I said. "I hope so. If you just need to get out of there you're always welcomed here." He told me. "Even if your mom is here?" I asked. "We'll hide you upstairs," He laughed.


Day of the dance

"Don't move, honey." My mom put her hands on my shoulder to keep me still. She was curling my hair, and last time I moved and she burned the back of my neck. "And... all done." She told me. She ran her hands through it to seperate the curls more, and sprayed a little hairspray. "All that's left is your dress." She handed me the long black dress to me, still on the hanger. The long sleeves were laced, and there was a small section of the middle cut out that was lace as well. It was by far my favorite dress.

I walked downstairs after putting the dress on. Adam was already here, standing by the front door with my dad. "All set?" My dad softly smiled at me. "Yup." I walked over to Adam. "We just need a few pictures of course," My mother chuckled while pulling out her phone. "Smile," She said before snapping a few pictures. "All right, well we don't wanna be late." We said our goodbyes before Adam and I left.


Adam and I met up with Maddie and her date outside of the school. "You two look great." I told the pair. I could tell Maddie's date, Dylan, was really happy to be with her. "Thank you." They smiled. "Good evening kids," Harry greeted us while walking past. He glanced at me for a moment, giving me a weird look. We all walked inside shortly after.

The gymnasium was lit with bright flashing colors. It smelled of perfume and cologne, with sweat coming from the dancers. I wasn't too into dancing, but I knew Adam would want to and I wasn't going to say no if he asked. I scanned the room and after awhile saw Harry standing by the snack tables. "We're gonna go dance," Maddie told me. I nodded and watched as her and Dylan went to the middle of the gym.

And just for a second there was a ping of jealousy. Maddie and Dylan, they like each other. I mean Adam is alright, but he's just a friend. I want to be able to dance with the person that I like, but of course that won't happen. I just had to deal with it. It was my choice to be with Harry, so I have to deal with the downfalls.

"Do you want to dance?" Adam gently brushed my hand. "Sure." I smiled. He took my hand and led me out to the designated dance floor. We started dancing to a slower song, his hands on my waist and mine around his neck. I glanced over to Harry, who was already staring at us. More like glaring, though. And when Adam pulled me closer into his chest, you could practically see the smoke coming out of his ears.

Before he could do anything stupid, I excused myself to go get a cup of juice. I began walking towards Harry, which made him visibly calm down. Not enough though. "Can I talk to you outside?" He asked, but I knew I probably didn't have a choice. I drank my juice and waited a few minutes before following him so no one would suspect anything.

The air was cold outside, goosebumps had made themselves apparent the second I walked out. Harry was pacing across the pavement, running a hand through his hair. "Hey." I said. He stopped pacing and turned to me. "What's wrong?" I questioned. This worried look for Harry was not a good one. "What's wrong? What's wrong?" He let out a laugh that sounded so cynical.

"What's wrong is the fact that you're inside dancing with someone that isn't me!" He raised his voice. "Shh, damn it, someone will hear you!" I said. "Then come on." I followed him to behind the school building. "Now, you may continue." I whispered. I didn't want to upset him any further than he is.

"I hate this. It's so stupid, to think this would actually work. I hate seeing you in someone else's arms. You aren't allowed to be in mine. There's too much stress here, and I don't think we thought this through. I want you to myself, but that can't happen." He said everything so quickly, but I understood everything.

"So that means... that you are..." I trailed off, there was no need to continue. But maybe Harry was right. Everything he said, it was true. "Okay." I choked out. Harry used his thumb to wipe away tears I didn't know were there. "Don't cry, baby. It's for the best." And I agreed with him.

A/N; Hey everyone, thanks for reading. Of course this isn't the end, there's still a lot more to come :) Love you babes

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