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Charlie's POV.

"Hurry up, bitch!" Maddie knocked furiously on my bathroom door. "Damn it Maddie," I quickly applied mascara "Lower your voice. My parents are right downstairs." I hears her scoff. "Oh, please, I'm sure they say worse." True.

I opened the door, Maddie leaning against the wall. She smiled grabbing my hand, leaving two twenty dollar bills. I stared at the money before looking back to her. "I convinced your parents, they said nothing from, and I quote, 'That store Spencers where the hippie whores hang'. She grinned widely, popping her gum.

"Yeah, right. Just surprised they didn't say anything about Victoria's Secret."

|| at the mall ||

I find myself bored quickly as Maddie rambles more about her "genius" plan to have sex with Mr. Styles. I feel so bad, I should do something. He would get in way more trouble than her if they were caught. It would be weird, wouldn't it? To tell him of her intentions?

"Hey yeah my best friend Maddie is planning to have sex with you, possibly in your classroom, be careful 'ight?" Yeah what a great idea.

"Let's go to Victoria's Secret," I hear her say, immediately smiling at the mention. It's my favorite shop by far, for some reason. Pretty panties make a princess.

We go through aisles, telling each other "that'll look so great on you!" because in Victoria's Secret nothing is more important of making women feel empowered and beautiful, until of course they see the blow up pictures of the skinny and tan models on the walls. It's back to square one then.

Harry's POV.

I see Charlie and that friend of hers, Miranda, Mandy, for god sakes what her name again, go into Victoria's Secret. What if she's buying something special, for a boyfriend or something? I push the thought away. Mine.

I wait by a wall for a second before they come back out, VS bags in hand. God I wonder what she bought. No doubt it'd look amazing on her. That uniform, despite being so constricting and leaving much to the imagination, still manages to hug her in a way you don't even have to guess.

I should stop drooling over my student.

I make my path plans and begin working. I weave past people until finally running into my princess.

She stumbles forward a bit before turning to me. "Oh, Jesus, I'm so sorry- Charlie? Oh my god what a coincidence!" I gush. I see just a faint splash of red move to her cheeks. Maddie, finally remembering, clears her throat, both of us looking at her.

"Hello, Mr. Styles." She smiles, tucking hair behind her ear. I nod muttering a "hello". We stand awkwardly for awhile, staring at one another before I speak up.

"So, Victoria's Secret, huh?" Oh my god I sound like such a perverted person.

Charlie blushes, looking at her feet while Maddie smiles proudly shaking the bag around. What a difference.

"Yeah, got some cool stuff." Maddie says.

"Haha," I scratch the back of my neck nervously "Anyways, Charlie could I speak to you?" She nods, following me after telling Maddie she'd meet up with her later.

"Yeah?" Charlie half smiles, sitting beside me on a couch. "I wanted to discuss your work." She frowns.



"Is it bad or something? My parents would freak." She looks down, picking at her finger nails. "No, no. Not bad. You're an extremely good artists, was wondering maybe you could come to my room after school to help me out with a project?"

She smiles again, finally.

"Of course,"

"You'll get extra credit, too."



We sit in silence for a moment. A silence so achingly terrible. I just want to listen to her talk.

"So," She looks up at me "You think Victoria's Secret is cool?" She stiffles a laugh. If I had a drink I would've spit it out.

"Um, yeah, I guess anyway."

"Why is it cool?"

You shop there.

I shrug.

"Your girlfriend shop there?"


"Oh. Wife?"

"I'm single."



"I better get going." She gets up. "Same, it was nice seeing you Charlie." She smiles. "You too, Ha- Mr. Styles." She covers her mouth before laughing, turning and walking away. I watch her almost trip over someone. She turns back to me with the cutest blush that looks perfect on her pale cheeks.

I think she likes me.

((next chapter gonna be, like, eventful wink wank ha. love ya babes, if you're reading, thank you so so much.))

artist (harry styles au)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora