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It was the week that you either dreaded or appreciated. The week that you would either be grounded or rewarded. The week of blessinging or curses. It was parent teacher conferences.

I felt confident with my conferences, maybe less of the one with Harry. My  mom had already scheduled the conferences but I wasn't one to try to pull her away during that time to distract her. It didn't matter what the teachers said. Anything they would tell my parents wouldn't be "good enough", and that's how it goes everytime.

"I'll need to pick out an outfit for your conferences tomorrow," My mom said as she stirred food in a pan. "You could go naked." I said, but only my dad laughed at my little joke. My mom gasped and nearly swiped me across my face until my dad told her to "lighten up".

"Do you have any homework?" My dad asked me. "Yeah," I got a can of pop from the fridge. My parents may be a little stricter than usual, and they might push me hard, but the weird part about them is they didn't care if I actually ate healthy foods because they loved it just as much as I did.

"You can do it after dinner." My dad in a really corny way gave me a thumbs up. He was a lot funnier than my mom, and lot more laid back. But everything in this house was ran by my mom.

***Next day***

I turned off my alarm which really sucks because now I can't happily be sleeping. I went through my typical morning routine only with more mental prep because as soon as I walked downstairs I was to be bombarded with comments from my mom. Conferences tonight, wear something nice, eat a snack before we go, redo your face before we go. I thought those all in my mother's voice.

Maddie and Mike both met me when I walked into school. They too were talking about the conferences. "Why is it that big of a deal?" I asked them. They were both silent for a moment before Maddie spoke up. "It just is. If I don't get good reports I can't get my nails done tomorrow, which by the way I want you to come." She moronically poked me in the side.

"Alright, alright, that's fair. And I'll go." I said.

"It's not that important to my parents but more so to me. My parents might not care where I end up but I do." Mike sighed. I frowned a little and hooked our arms together. "No matter what my parents will be disappointed, but at least I have y'all." I grinned cheekily.

Harry's scratch mark had gone away a little bit which is one of the many things I noticed about him when I walked into the class room. I also noticed that his hair was messier than usual, and that his shirt was buttoned one less button than usual. I didn't talk to him during class, obviously, that would be stupid to point that out in front of everybody.

So I did at the end of class. "Are you okay?" I asked when everyone else had left. "Yeah, well, kind of. I didn't get much sleep." He rubbed his eyes which made him look like a little boy. And then I started thinking of a little baby Harry but I knew I was getting sidetracked so I focused and said "Why not?"

"I'm kind of nervous about your parent teacher conference, what if they hate me? That sets up for a bad future with us."  When he said future I smiled a little and on the inside was exploding because if he thinks of a future between us then that proves that he thinks this can work too.

"Relax, they are only meeting you as a teacher, not my..." And then I didn't know what to call him because I was afraid if I called him my boyfriend it would sound all high-school like, so I finished with "significant other".

"I know I know. I just love you, that's all."

And then I left. I also got a text at the end of the day.

From Harry

I don't mind if you call me boyfriend x

I smiled.


Harry looked a lot more collected when my parents and I entered the classroom. "Ah the Newman family, have a seat." Harry greeted. We all took seats in front of Harry's desk, and that's when I realized that Harry might have been sweating a little bit? To me it looked hot but to my parents it probably looked awkward.

"Well, Charlie's performance is amazing. She's an incredible artist and I'm so lucky to have her in class." My mom didn't seem pleased but my dad smiled adoringly. "Is that all you can say? The same thing you probably tell all of the parents and students?" My mom sneered. Oh my god, mom.

"Charlie's different." And that's when I realized that tonight Harry's words probably have three meanings to them.

"Trust me, she is gifted at what she does. You should be proud of her." He smiled at me and I just wanted to kiss him but that would have to wait. "Tell me, is she not the greatest student you've ever had?" My mom apparently was okay with what he said and she folded hair behind my ear. "You don't have to answer that." I told Harry.

"She is probably the best student I've had. I mean, it's Charlie who makes me want to come in everyday to teach art. She has a determination that I believe a lot of students could have if they wanted." I didn't necesarily mind to what Harry was saying as long as it kept my mom happy, but what he said made me happy. Even if he was just saying it to same my soul.

"Well thanks for your time, Mr. Styles." My mom stood up and shook his hand, followed by my dad.

"Ahem," My mom cleared her throat, looking at me. "Don't be rude."

I muttered and "Oh" and stood up take Harry's hand. I could go into detail about how we shook hands for a possibly inappropriate amount of time, and I could also talk about how my mom eyed us suspiciously for this very reason, but it's something I'd rather think about first. If she had the slightest suspicion she'd be all over it. Which is why I didn't want to ride home with them.

But I did.

"He's a nice man." My mom said as she drove down the road. "Yeah, he's pretty good." I shrugged but internally was overwhelmed. Please don't mention anything.

"Do you like him?" My dad asked from the passenger seat, seeming like the first words he spoke in ages. At conferences, my mom was the one with the iron fist.

"Yeah I do." But definitely not in the way you think, or in the way that's remotely okay.

"I do too, don't mess up in his class now." My mom pulled into the driveway. "You go on insude, hun, I need to speak with Charlie." My dad told my mom in a calm tone. "Alright, don't be too long." She grabbed her bag and went inside of the house.

My dad unbuckled himself and turned in his seat. "Charles," His face got dead serious. "You think Mr. Styles is cute, don't you?" I was surprised by his question. "Well, he's attractive, I suppose." I kept it civilized and gazed out my window. I might have started rambling on about how he's such an amazing human and all of that if my dad didn't start speaking again.

"Well, stay focused. Art is important to you, I don't want you getting caught up in boys. Attractive one here, attractive one there, you have a future; a goal. Don't lose sight of that." With that, I couldn't tell if whether or not he was encouraging or threatening me.

***Hi everyone! Lol when I wrote Charles I was thinking of Pretty Little Liars! Last night's episode was great but I wish we got some more answers :(( And I'm so sad to hear about Zayn leaving One Direction. It won't be the same without his high notes on their fifth album tbh :( But I hope he's happy and can live his life in peace <3  I hope you all have a wonderful spring break, I just started mine today. If you're not on yours yet, stay strong babe it'll come soon<3 I LOVE YOU BYE XO***

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