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Harry's POV

Mine and Charlie's relationship seems totally impossible and inappropriate and totally crazy because it is. Either one of us could attest to that, given that in every conversation one of us mentions something like "this is wrong". This might seem like an unealthy thing to do, reminding each other that your relationship should not be happening, but in ways it is. You never want to forget that it's wrong, otherwise you'll be sitting in class and the first one who gets an urge kisses the other. I think of scenarios like this all of the time.

I hid my smile when Charlie walked into class. It was a task that was hard to do, and it was something I didn't want to do. I only wanted Charlie to know how beautiful she was to me, but obviously couldn't do this in public.

"Alrighty," I stood up from my chair when everyone was seated. "Today we'll be finishing our paper cranes." I almost laughed at Charlie's expression. She hated making these cranes because they were too difficult for her. Her words. I don't know, I find it cute how whenever she makes one she gets insanely focused where her tongue sticks out slightly and her forehead crinkles and her nose sometimes scrunches up.

Everyone had their pieces of paper and were in the middle of making their cranes when Charlie's dad walks in the door. "Oh, this is a surprise Mr. Newman." I said. I glanced over to Charlie who was just as confused as I was. "Hello, Mr. Styles. I just need to talk to you about a few things. After class, of course." I didn't know if I should have been worried or not, but judging by Charlie's facial reaction I should be a bit scared. She looked like she knew why he was here.


After Charlie's class is my lunch break, so I have no class. It was just me and Mr. Newman, who was now seated across from me.

"What are your intentions?" He eyed me closely. "I don't know what you mean, exactly." Fucking hell, this will not end well. "I just wanted to know where you stood with my daughter, like is she just some face you get off to? Or is it something more?" He asked. This was probably going to be the longest conversation I have ever had.

"Sir, your daughter is not a face for me to get off to, and if that's what you ever thought I apologize." I talked calmly.

"Look, I don't know what happens where you're from, but here a teacher-student relationship is unacceptable and illegal." I know everything he's saying is right, it's not like I'm so ignorant to act like the feelings I have are even remotely okay.

"I think you might be a bit confused, Mr. Newman? I am not in a relationship with Charlie. I know that's wrong, I know. Where did you even get this idea from?" I said.

"Don't play me like I'm dumb, last night at the conferences there was obviously tension between the two of you. And then that handshake, that painstakingly long handshake that everyone in the room could feel..." He stopped, seeming to go into some sort of deep thought.

"You're assuming things about me from a handshake? I'm sorry, Mr. Newman, but there's some kind of mistake. I don't associate myself with any of my students outside of the school building." I was lying to his face, and I felt like I was really pulling it off well.

"I'm sorry if it looked like anything more than just a handshake." I fixed my tie, feeling like it was starting to choke me. "I just want to make myself clear here," He stood up from his chair. "I only want the best for my daughter and only the best. If I feel like her significant other is not well suited for her I will take action." His word were different than earlier's in the weirdest way. It was like, in the oddest way, he was giving consent to this relationship as long as he didn't know about it and I treated her right, but that was probably just wishful thinking to the extreme. There was most likely no way in hell he'd ever be okay us, but maybe when she graduates things will change.

Charlie's POV

Naturally I spent the rest of the day wondering what my dad wanted to talk to Harry about, but I probably already knew and that thought made me sad for Harry. When I walked out of the school building and got into my car, I texted Harry.

To: Harry

Hey, what happened with my dad today? Text back asap.

From: Harry

He thinks that we're in a relationship, which we are, but of course I denied it.

To: Harry

I am so sorry, I didn't even think he would do anything like that. If I did I would've told you to stay home.

From: Harry

You would only be happy for me to stay home so you wouldn't need to make those cranes :)

To: Harry

Stupid cranes* and yeah maybe. But I better get home or else my dad will assume I stayed after to make out with you.

From: Harry

One of these days!

To: Harry

In your dreams.

***Oooohhhh Charlie's dad is fierce af!!! lol he has no chill famI hope you enjoyed this chapter it was a few days late of friday sorry bout that:( if you haven't already go ahead and follow me, just ask for a follow back and I will loves ❤ BYE LOVES HOPE YOUR DAY IS FANTABULOUS<3***

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