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  Phew, finally done! Now onto the next! I'm trying to figure out how I wanna do a prologue of that one. I'm thinking about just jumping from one instance to another within the prologue. I really don't want to do another side book thing.  

Chicago, Illinois


Matsuri straightened up as she noted that the others were coming from either side of the bridge. Bumblebee pulled up to a stop while in vehicle mode and his door opened, letting Sam climb out. The young man could only stare up at his leader friend before looking across the bridge, seeing the group of soldiers and a flash of something white and blond in the mix. He paid Bumblebee transforming behind him no heed and began to walk forward.

"Sam." Will got the younger's attention before he nodded over to the approaching soldiers. As soon as Sam caught a glimpse of Carly, he began to sprint, passing Optimus before his arms slipped around her waist, hauling her up and the two clutched onto each other like lifelines.

Matsuri watched with soft, blue optics, her form shifting back into her organic one as the two kissed. She also noted Bumble walking over and crouched beside the two, also watching.

"I love you." Matsuri heard Carly whisper to him after the kiss was broken.

"I love you." Sam smiled. "You're the only thing I need in this world, and I'll do anything to make it up to you, I promise."

"I'm going to hold you to that. Just never let me go."

"I promise."

Bumblebee made a noise, making the two looked up at him. He moved his chestplates, seemingly trying to get something out and ring shaped fell to the ground next to them. Then, the yellow mech started to hum a familiar tune as he straightened up, making Matsuri snicker at her alien brother's antics. The two humans leaned down, picking up a ring and straightened up.

"I love this car." Carly smiled and laughed.

"Bee, you've got to slow down. You got to slow way down, okay?" Sam stated as he looked up to his friend.

~~I'm just trying to help out.~~ Bumblebee shrugged.

"Yeah Sam." Matsuri spoke up as she slowly walked over to the two. "Bumblebee just wants what's best for you, and that's obviously Carly."

Sam just rolled his eyes good naturally before he reached out and pulled her into a hug with both him and Carly. Matsuri wrapped her arms around both of them, soaking in their warmth and scent. They stayed like that for a long moment before they pulled away and Sam gave her a little nudge and glanced behind her.

Matsuri knew what he was looking at and so, she turned and walked over to her leader. Optimus, seeing this, took no time in allowing his holoform to come to life. The holoform reflected his injuries on his real body- but his holoform have two arms instead of one. Not that she got out unscathed in her human form at all. She had bruises over her body and cuts as well.

Optimus didn't waste anymore time and before she knew it, she was jerked into his arms, against his scratched and dirtied chestplates. Matsuri was quick to wrap around his neck and Optimus leaned forward, pressing his metal lips against her own. She melted into the kiss, her eyes fluttering closed.

It felt like eternity before they broke the kiss and Optimus pressed his forehead against hers. He looked deeply into her eyes, never blinking.

"I love you too." She suddenly stated, causing his optics to brighten. "I wanted to say it back before you did your little trick, but..."

"I understand." He rumbled. Then he was hugging her tightly against him and she felt safe and secure. She felt him brush her hair with his fingers in slow strokes.

"Hey Optimus, where's Echomix?" Matsuri suddenly questioned, causing the mech to chuckle.

There was the sound of tiny legs scampering against metal and Ehcomix was suddenly there, nestled between them so that he had both of their sparks on either side of him. Matsuri couldn't help but giggle at her youngling, smiling down at him.

His real body turned, head tilting up as if to look up into the sky.

"In any war, there are calms between the storms. There will be days when we lose faith. Days when our allies turn against us. But the day will never come when we forsake this planet and its people. For I am Optimus Prime, and I send this message to the universe: We are here. We are home."

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