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NEST Headquarters, Washington DC

Matsuri was sitting in Ratchet as they drove closer and closer to the base. The two groups of Autobots had met outside of the city and Matsuri was quick to transfer herself into her adoptive carrier to spend some time with him. With the ongoing missions, her always going with Optimus and what not, they barely had any time together. The other reason why she wanted to ride with Ratchet was to give Optimus some space. It was obvious that he was mad about what they had found back in Russia.

"All arriving Autobots, in par, training and debriefing in fifteen minutes." A voice came over the loudspeaker as the Autobots rolled into the building. "Mirage, report to Bay 23. Sideswipe, Bay 37 for weapons assessment."

The two Autobots went into their respective Bays as well as the others and Matsuri climbed out of Ratchet and the said mech transformed before rubbing a finger against her head before straightening up. Matsuri just grinned up at him and remained close for about fifteen minutes, talking and swapping words with him before she jogged off, ignoring the approaching Will and a woman named Charlotte Mearing.

"Hey Pops, hey Que." Matsuri grinned as she walked over to them. She hadn't gotten the chance to say hi to them since Optimus had wanted to come straight here with little delay.

"Hello, Mats." Que greeted as he picked up a large gun.

"Have a good drive with Ratchet?" Ironhide rumbled.

"You know I did." Matsuri hummed.

"This gun," Que interrupted the two as he handed the said weapon to Ironhide. "Is my perfect invention."

"Right." Ironhide looked it over before putting it on his back. This was when Will and Mearing began to walk passed them, gaining Que's attention.

"Ah, good, you're here! My name's Que." He introduced himself. "I do you have answers for him. I've never seen him so upset."

"Optimus, you remember Charlotte Mearing? Our Director do National Intelligence?" Will asked as he and Mearing walked up to the table that separated them and the Alt form of Optimus. Ironhide waved Mirage to back up slightly as he took a step forward and Matsuri stood beside the black mech.

"He's in a bed mood." Mirage grunted as he took a few more steps back, Bumblebee whistling behind him. "He's not talking to anybody today."

"What is this, the silent treatment?" Mearing asked.

"We've seen that and this is not that." Ironhide stated as he walked closer to his leader.

"Defiantly not." Que added.

"This is worse." Ironhide's fist met the roof of his leader's cap with a clank. "Prime, make something of yourself!"

He took a few steps back. "He's pissed."

With a hiss from a smokestack, Optimus Prime's metal shifted in record time, his anger could be seen in the sped up and rather violent transformation. He knelt, fists slamming into the ground with the force of almost making cracks through it and his optics was sending a piercing glare at Mearing and his voice held hidden anger. "You lied to us. Everything humans know of our planet we were told had all been shared. So, why was this found in human possession?"

"We were in the dark on this also." Mearing told the mech after she glanced over at the part. "It was Director Only clearance at Sector Seven until now. The bag."

Her assistant fiddled with...Matsuri didn't know how many bags before whispering over to Mearing, "Which bag?"

"Hermes. Birkin. Green ostrich!" Mearing stated, a little annoyed as she held her hand out and was giving the correct bag. She opened it and began to look through it. "This is a secret few men knew, and fewer remain alive."

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