Sentinel Prime

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NEST Headquarters, Washington DC

After an uneventful check in at the security point, mandatory search of both Sam and Carly with the added tension between Sam and Mearing after a few choice words from the woman, it was now revive Sentinel Prime.

Matsuri was stood on a platform, watching as Sentinel slowly raising into a sitting position. Once he was fully seated, Optimus walked forward while pulling the Matrix of Leadership from its place in his chest. He moved it between his hands, the center of it was glowing a brilliant blue, almost white.

"Sentinel Prime, we bid you return." Optimus thrusted the Matrix into Sentinel's chest, into his spark and Matsuri at a sense of déjà vu at the sight. The older Prime's body jerked as energy surged through his body before blue optics came to life though they held confusion and panic. Then, Sentinel had Optimus pinned on the ground, a blade coming close to Optimus' neck.

"Stop, Sentinel!" Optimus grunted. "It is I, Optimus Prime! It is all right, you are safe."

"There is nothing to fear." Ratchet added as he and the other Autobots came into view, some of them were looking at the Prime in awe.

"We are here." Optimus stated as Sentinel straightened up, head turning to regard the rest of Optimus' team. "You are home, Sentinel."

"The war...The war!" Sentinel mumbled, his voice raised slightly. Matsuri's lips turned into a barely noticed frown when she heard his voice. It sounded...familiar somehow, sounded as though she had heard it once before a long time ago.

"The war was lost." Optimus told him as he grabbed the Matrix that floated beside him before he pushed himself up. "Cybertron is now a barren wasteland. We have taken refuge here, on planet Earth. Its human race is our ally."

"My ship. We came under fire." Sentinel began, his voice heavy and thick from years of disuse. "The pillars. Where are the pillars?"

"You saved five of them, including the control pillar."

"Only five? We once had hundreds!"

"Excuse me, gentlemen." Mearing spoke up from the platform beside the two mechs, making the old Prime turn towards her. "My I as, what is this technology you're looking for?"

"It is the ability to reshape the universe. Together the pillars form a space bridge. I designed, and I alone, can control it. It defies your laws of physics to transport matter through time and space."

"You're talking about a teleportation device, aren't you?"

"Yes," Optimus answered this time. "For resources, for refugees."

"Refugees, or troops of soldiers, weapons, maybe bombs! A means of an instant strike! That's its military function, isn't it?"

"It is our technology and it must be returned." Sentinel spoke up again.

"Yes. If humans say so. You can't just bring weapons of mass destruction into our atmosphere! You kind of have to clear customs first! A little formality called paperwork kind of separates us from the animals."

"I will overlook your condescending tone if you heed the gravity of mine. The Decepticons must never know the space bridge is here. For in their hands, it would mean the end of your world."

Sentinel seemingly paused before he turned fully to Optimus, signifying the end of the conversation, which Mearing took in stride and left. "These... 'humans', they're our allies?"

Matsuri tried to hold in her snort. She didn't blame Sentinel for questioning that, she had even questioned it herself at times.

"We have fought as one, Sentinel." Optimus told the other with no hesitation. "I would trust them with my life."

"Then, I am grateful for your alliance." Sentinel dipped his head slightly.

"There is someone particular I'd like you to meet." The Autobot Leader turned and held out his hand and Matsuri took this as her cue. She quickly got onto the railing and hopped onto his hand. He turned back to Sentinel and when he spoke, he had a subtle hint of pride in his voice.

"This is Matsuri Witwicky. She is one of our oldest allies, the adopted youngling of Ironhide and Ratchet. She is mate and soon-to-be sparkmate."

Sentinel peered more at the woman before he noticed her arm and everything that makes her body scream techno-organic.

"It is truly an honor to meet the one who captured my student's spark." He rumbled politely.

"The honor's all mine, sir." Matsuri smiled politely.

"At least you picked one that has manners." Sentinel chuckled before holding out a finger, which Matsuri grabbed and shook.

Once that was done, Optimus set Matsuri next to Will before he began leading the older away, both talking quietly to each other.

"Where's Sam and Carly?" questioned Matsuri.

"Mearing wanted to talk to them in her office." Will answered.

"Oh boy." She sighed and shook her head, already afraid to find out what Mearing would be saying to Sam. Will patted her shoulder before she walked away and began to make her way to the office. Just when she had turned the corner, she saw her brother and Carly stepping out and from the look on Sam's face, she knew that Mearing had said something wrong.

The two walk over to her and when she opened her mouth to ask, Sam beat her to it.

"She called me a messenger. Said she appreciated all that I did but said that I was always a messenger."

"Sam..." Matsuri sighed. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. "Don't listen to her, she doesn't know anything. You're a hero. You're my hero."

Sam hugged her back, like she was his lifeline. After a few minutes, he pulled away. "I'm taking Bee back with me to our apartment since I'm now under Autobot Witness Protection thing."

"Alright, stay safe."

The two hugged one more time and Matsuri made sure to hug Carly before she watched as they walked away with a sad look. She knew that Mearing's words hit him hard, far harder than anything else and she felt for him, but she knew that she couldn't do much about it except for stay back and wait.

Unfortunately for her, she didn't have to wait long.

TRANSFORMERS: Dark Side of the MoonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora