The Object

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Before you guys read this, I have to warn ya: I have two sources I will be using for this book. First is obviously the film, the second one is the novelization. I'll be trying to fit the two together as much as I can so please, be patient. 

 Chernobyl, Russia

Matsuri followed Will out of Optimus' cab, into the chilly air, and looked around the desolate city. It was so sereal, being at a place she had only read and watched videos about. Plants were over taking the buildings and snow was fluttering down from above and there was already a layer of snow covering the ground. It was dead silence save for the noises that Optimus and the soldiers made. The city was void of birds chirping.

"Mr. Voshkod." Will greeted as they approached the man. "So, uninhabited since '86. I hear it won't be livable again for another 20,000 years?"

"At least. Ukraine was the most fertile land. It's a tragedy." The man stated before he pointed and began to walk. "This way."

"Gear up!" Will shouted to the others. "We have 60 minutes on the ground. Watch your radiation levels."

The others put on their tanks, hoods and masks except for Matsuri since she had no reason to. One of the perks of being a techno-organic. She simply wore her NEST issued military gear and her sword that was strapped to her back.

"Mr. Voshkod," Will and the others walked over to the building and went inside. "Where's your protective gear?"

"It doesn't matter." Voshkod answered. "My time will be coming soon."

Matsuri frowned, glancing at the man. She didn't have anything to say about that- what could she say?

"Through the school." The man led them until they got to their destination. "Yuri will take you below and one more thing, Colonel, In private. There were some energy experiments."

Matsuri watched as the man stiffen up before mumbling 'it can wait' and took his leave. She didn't pay it any mind and they descended into the core until they had found what they were looking for thanks to Yuri.

"Optimus, we got a visual." Will stated into the com. "Looks like the objects clamped in some kind of a metal harness."

Will knelt when he noticed something. He wiped some of the dust off a case that was below the object. "Guys, does this thing have Soviet space program markings on it?"

"Sputnik?" Yuri mumbled.

"Energon readings, sir. It's strong." A NEST Tech, stated. "Below us. It's coming fast!"

A groaning noise suddenly met their ears and Will began to order his team out of there, but the thing revealed itself, coming through one side of the room in a shower of rubble. For Matsuri, it looked like a giant cybertronian worm with tendrils attached to it. It spun like a drill, letting out a loud groan as it drilled through the other side of the room.

"Contact! Contact!" one of the soldiers shouted and the tendrils began to swipe and attack at any humans they could get to. Matsuri quickly jumped out of the way when one of the tendrils tried to grab her. She did it again and again before they withdraw and with a glance, she saw that the object wasn't there. "Get topside now! Move, move, move!"

"Optimus, this thing, whatever it is, is heading your way!" Matsuri heard Will shout over the coms.

Then she was running with the others, making their way out of the building. "Let's go!"

"Weapons up! Heavy weapons up!" Will ordered.

Matsuri looked over and saw that Optimus had transformed and so had his trailer, now standing as an equipment ring. The mech was quick to go to it, getting out a shield and his sword.

"Stay behind me!" Optimus ordered before he started to charge with the soldiers running after him into the field.

"Optimus!" Will shouted before a tendril came out from the ground. This was all that was needed for Matsuri to shift flawlessly into her cybertronian form. She unsheathed her sword and began to deflect the tendrils that were coming after her.

"Fall back!" Will quickly ordered. "It's circling us! It's taking our flank!"

That's when Matsuri noticed that she was separated from the others. She was closer to the main body of the drilling cybertronian and as she was about to try and run to the others, something slid on it and a form emerged from it. It was a purple-silver color and in its helm was a lone, red optic. Two horns sat on either side of its helm, pointing forward.

"Optimus!" the new Decepticon sneered and the said mech just let out an answering growl- until he saw his mate trying to fend off the tendrils that kept coming her way.

The lone red optic seemingly glanced down at her in regard which caused Optimus' protectiveness to increase ten-fold. He knew what Shockwave could do, he knew about the experiments that Shockwave tended to do, and he feared for his mate.

Primus seemed to have a hand over Matsuri as Shockwave just simply got back into the cockpit and the drilling creature began to drill into the ground and away from the humans and Autobot leader.

"What the hell was that thing?" Will asked as he walked over to the object.

"That was Shockwave." Optimus answered as he dropped his sword and walked over to the object, Matsuri in tow.

"Why was he after this?"

Optimus dropped his shield before he knelt, bringing him closer to it. "It's impossible. This is an engine part from a long lost Autobot ship."

"What?" Matsuri transformed back into her human form as she sheathed her sword. "But I thought that only visitors Earth had was the Primes. How can..."

"I'm not sure." Optimus stated as he continued to eye the part. "But I will find the answer."

He stood up before transforming both himself and his ring back into their vehicle form. "Will, I trust you and your team will secure the object in my trailer?"

"You got it." Will nodded before turning to his team. Matsuri slipped into Optimus' cab and leaned back in the seat.

"You okay?" she asked him.

"I am alright." He reassured her.

Matsuri just slowly nodded before looking in the side mirror, watching as her team move in out of the view.

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