Reunion and Separated

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 The whole Matsuri thing is short lived, I know, but I didn't know what else to put, so forgive me for that. Hopefully, you guys don't mind.  

Outside of Chicago

A headless body of a Decepticon crumbled to the ground and its head landed on top of it not a second later. Beyond it lay other Decepticon corpses that had been offline in a similar way. Energon leaked out from their bodies, forming a puddle around each individual body. The severed neck cables were still sparking slightly on both pieces.

Matsuri stared at the heaps of metal, the blade of her sword was covered in green energon. Her burning gaze looked over towards the building that held the control pillar and the two mechs that her anger was directed towards. Just as she was about to go flying, a sound reached her ears a flew blocks away, a familiar sound that she remembered hearing in Russia. A growl built up her throat before she twisted and went into the direction the sound it was coming from.

She didn't even see a convoy of vehicles driving to take cover under her, going the opposite direction, nor did she hear someone transforming behind her. She only had her optics set on the one-eyed Decepticon that was making his way down the Driller's body, snarling.

She dodged a shot and raised her blade and swiftly swiped it downwards. Shockwave lifted his normal arm and the sword tug into the armor. It didn't go deep to draw energon, which frustrated her. She wanted to make this Decepticon bleed, she wanted to make all the Decepticons she encounter bleed.

She dislodged her sword and dodged a swipe from his gun arm, but she didn't see his normal arm coming and it made contact with her. She was sent flying into something metal. She didn't feel it dent on impact, which caused her to be distracted. Normal metal would dent if she was thrown into it, she knew this for a fact.

"You are no match for me, techno-organic." Shockwave stated, his raspy voice holding a matter of fact tone. He pulled a lever on his cannon, arming it and pointed it at her.

She rose into the air and glanced at what she smacked into and, to her shock, it was Optimus' trailer, which didn't make any sense. He was dead, so it shouldn't be here at all. Seeing it again seemingly made the haze that was over her lift slightly.

Then, her body felt like it was on fire as a blast hit her, making her go flying back, flying through block by block. Pain rattled through her as she flew and just as she was about to hit the ground...

A large, metal hand came around her, cupping her within its palm. She felt the being that held her moving, rolling to invade blasts from the sounds of it until it stopped. It became quiet for one long moment, and then the fingers uncovered her and her red gaze flickered up to who held her and they met with a familiar set of blue optics that was attached to a silver faceplate and a equally familiar blue helm.

She stared up at the long thought dead leader of the Autobots, her mind trying to comprehend the fact that she was sitting in her mate's hand and this isn't a dream, she knew that from the pain that still lingered in her body. Her thoughts went through all the possibilities that it could come up with, which included hallucinations, a Decepticon trick, a hologram... or that he is actually alive and well, holding her within his hand like she was all that mattered.

"Matsuri." His deep, baritone voice sounded through the war-torn train station. Like the first time they had met, a shiver ran up and down her spine at his voice.

"Optimus..." Her voice trembled with both shock and a hint of anger that she couldn't get rid of.

"I'm alive and I have you." He stated soothingly, his free hand rubbing the back of her helm. "We didn't mean to hurt you with our absence. We had to make your leaders believe that we had gone so they could see the nature of the Decepticons."

"We didn't want to do it, my youngling." Ratchet added as he walked over. "But it was the only way. We wanted to tell you but didn't have to time."

Matsuri just nodded and took her deep breath. She wanted to extend this reunion, but she knew that it had to wait. "What's the plan?"

"They got my trailer," Optimus stated. "I need that flight tech. Shockwave cannot hunt all of us at once, so the Wreckers will be the diversion."

"Let's get some!" whooped Roadbuster as he and the other two walked to get themselves ready to do their job.

"You'll go with the humans. They need you."

Matsuri bit her bottom lip and nodded and she ignited her thrusters, lifting herself up into the air before she flew closer to his face. She placed her free hand against his cheek before leaning forward and pressed her lips against his bottom lip in a lingering peck before she pulled away. Then, she landed down next to the humans.

When she touched down, Sam threw himself at her, mumbling incoherent sentences to himself. Once he pulled back, she was pulled into a hug by Carly.

"I'm glad you're safe." Matsuri stated as she patted the blonde's back.

"Same here." Carly sighed before she pulled away and looked at her right in the optics- which was still a blazing red. She didn't seem put off by it though and simply took it in stride. "Sam explained everything. Are you still angry?"

"Yeah. I don't think I'll calm down until Sentinel's dead."

Carly simply nodded, understanding completely. Matsuri could see sympathy within Carly's eyes and she knew that Carly completely understood how she felt with Ironhide's and the twins' death.

"Listen, we're gonna circle around to the glass building." Robert stayed as he walked to the window, pointing, which gained Matsuri's attention. "We'll get high enough to make the rocket shot."

He looked at the Autobots. "While you guys draw his fire. Let's move!"

"Wait a minute!" Que stopped them. "I'm not letting you go out there without my urban combat prototypes."

"We gotta go, Que!" Sideswipe huffed before sending a small smile to Matsuri, who returned it. "Come on!"

"They're great inventions for kicking ass!"

"What are these?" asked one of the former soldiers as he picked up a stick and Sam picked up two of them and a glove like thing.

"Those are boom-sticks. Armed in thirty seconds. Grapple gloves, for climbing."

"Well, see you guys on the flip side." Matsuri stated as she looked at the Autobots. Ratchet only let out a parting purr.

Then, it was go time.

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