Into the Storm

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  Probably also not the best chapter, considering that I'm off until Thursday but yeah, I'm trying. 

 Outside of Chicago

Even outside of the city, there were chaos everywhere they looked as caravan of vehicles. As they got closer, the roadway was clogged with cars and people were running away from the city. Some were huddled together, others were simply standing, looking back and watching the ships float in the air.

They stopped just as they reached inside the city limits as the sun rose into the sky. Fires burned within the buildings next to them and they could see some civilians and kids up ahead, running.

Matsuri and the others begin to walk forward, and Robert quickly ran and climbed up a free-standing wall to get a better advantage point.

Three drones screamed passed but was shot down within moments thanks to two fighters.

"We came here to find her in the middle of all that?" asked Robert.

"Are we really going out there, Epps?" questioned Stone.

"I'm not going in there." Eddie muttered.

"No one's going in." Robert told them.

"We are." Sam reached over and slid his hand into his sister's. "With or without you, we'll find her."

And then they were walking forward.

"You're gonna get yourself and Matsuri killed, Sam. Is that what you want? Is that what you want?" Robert climbed down the wall and ran after them. "You came all the way out here to get yourself killed? Huh?"

He grabbed onto Sam's back, making the two whirl around.

"Listen to what I'm saying!"

"She's here because of me. Do you understand?" Sam snapped and they began to turn around and walk again.

"Listen, if you go in this building, that's if she's even still alive, there's no why you're gonna be able to reach her!"

"What do you suggest I do?" Sam asked, irritated.

"It's over. I'm sorry, but it's over."

"No, it's not." Matsuri grunted, making Robert look at her. "It's not over because we're still standing. If you want to go and be a coward, be my guest. I am going in there and give them hell."

"You're going to die!"

"I already died when the Autobots got shot down!" Matsuri snapped at him, her eyes flashing from blue to red, causing Robert to step back. "I am going and I'm going to make them all pay. I am going to kill every last one of them."

Her voice was dark and growling, which sent shivers of fear down the former NEST soldier's spine. He had never heard her sound like that or saw her eyes flashing to red.

"INCOMING!" Eddie shouted and then the fighter was shooting at all the fleeing humans. Matsuri took this time to transform and then rocket into the air, ignoring the shouts of the others.

'MEGATRON!' Mutsuri shouted over their connection. 'You and Sentinel better watch out, because after I deal with your lackies, I'm coming for you!'

"Then come, little heir, for we are ready." He taunted, a sneer in his voice. This made her optics burn a vibrant red.

As she flew, she didn't see the fighter shooting and killing humans and she did not see the fighter getting taken down by a force that wasn't the former NEST soldiers. She didn't see a familiar red and blue mech walking forward to stand over the small group of humans.


"We will kill them all." Optimus rumbled as the Wreckers came up to the struggling pilot and ripped it apart. "Your leaders will now understand. Decepticons will never leave your planet alone, and we needed them to believe we had gone. For today, in the name of freedom, we take the fight to them!"

Behind him, the other came roaring down the street and then they all transformed, Bumblebee kneeling down in front of Sam.

"I saw your ship blow up!" Sam stared at Bumblebee before looking up at Optimus.

"The ship?" Roadbuster snorted, making Sam look over at him. "We were never in the ship! We designed the damn thing, didn't we?"

"We were hidden in the first booster rocket to separate." Explained Leadfoot. "Splashed down back into the Atlantic just as planned. We ain't going nowhere."

"Yeah, no one's exhiling us." Brain stated, making his, Echomix's and Wheelie's presence known.

"The Autobots are staying right here. We're going to help you win this war." Grunted Wheelie.

"They're surrounding the city to make a fortress so that no one can see what they're up to inside. Our only chance is the element of surprise." Optimus stated.

Sam looked up at him. "I think I know where to look!"

The humans, and Bumblebee, walked to the fighting and Sam climbed onto it, looking it over before he looked at his best friend. "You can fly this right?"

Bumblebee chirped and whirled before making a motion with his hand.

"What is that...what is that? What is that? So-so?" Sam copied the motion. There was slight amusement in his tone as the corner of his lips twitched upwards slightly. "So, you can so-so fly this. That feels terrible."

"Sam," Ratchet called as he walked forward a few steps. "Where's Matsuri?"

Sam seemingly froze, his eyes widen with what looked like to be horror. "...Oh no..."

"Sam, what is it?" questioned Optimus.

"She went in!" Sam stated frantically. "She flew into the city when that fighter attacked us! This is bad...really bad."

"I think she's losing herself." Robert added. "I said that she was going to get herself killed and she said that she already died when you guys did. Then...her eyes flashed red."

"Her anger is triggering her coding." Ratchet stated, worry clear in his voice.

"What happens when..." Sam trailed off as he stared at his sister's adoptive carrier.

"Multitude of possible of things. The coding could make her go mad, could make her go on suicidal runs..." Ratchet hesitated. "Could make her turn into the true Decepticon heir."

"No, nonono." Sam mumbled as he climbed off of the fighter and began to pace. "This is not good. Defiently not good."

"Do not worry, Sam." Optimus rumbled soothingly. "We will find her, and we will make sure that none of it will happen, not while my spark still glow from within my chest."

Sam shakily nodded before smiling up at the mech. "You know, I'm glad she has you for a mate."

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