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  Finally got this chapter done! Sorry if this chapter isn't as good as the others since they kinda jumped around so much in this part...well, kinda. 


NEST Headquarters, Washington DC

Ratchet made Matsuri stay at base for the remainder of the night, not allowing her to come with them to confront Sentinel. She didn't argue much and just sat beside herself, staring, waiting for the Autobots to come back. When morning came, still no Autobots and this was making her become worried. Where are they? Are they okay?

Her anxious thoughts got cut off as someone placed their hands on her soldier, making her look. She saw a soldier standing there and once she had looked, he straightened up and saluted her.

"Ma'am, I need you to come with me, to Mearing." He told her, making her stand and motioned him to lead the way. He started to but he paused and looked back at her. "I'm sorry for your loss."

She nods and followed him. She kept her head down as she walked, not really looking at anyone until they got into a car, which took her to the airport. She could see a table full of monitors and equipment and across from them was a private jet that looked like it was being prepped.

"Miss Witwicky." Mearing called once she caught sight of the young woman, Sam standing beside her. Matsuri walked over and once she was close, Sam slung an arm around her shoulders, bringing her close and rubbing her bicep. The two turned towards two of the monitors that had the news on.

"Just moments ago," Began an anchorwoman on the left monitor. "legislation was passed to exile the Autobots from American shores. The U.S military alliance with them is officially over."

She doesn't move when Mearing moved or when Sam slipped his arm off her shoulders. She was feeling so numb, more so than before. She was losing her entire family, all in just two days.

Sam ushered into the jet and he made sure to put her in the window seat before sitting beside her. Mearing climbed in after them before sitting in front of the two, and then they were in the air, flying over the ocean.

"If there is any more you know, anything at all about the enemy's intentions, now is the time to tell." Mearing told Sam.

"Autobots have no way of leaving this planet." Sam stated.

"And that is where you're wrong. Its name is the Xanthium. It brought the second wave of Autobots and it's been under NASA's care and study ever since. We linked it with a decommissioned shuttle to maintain military control until they're gone."


They landed in Florida before they were transferred into a truck and they made it to the launching sight before they parked. Matsuri slipped out of the truck with Sam following and they looked at a moving platform that had some Autobots on top while a third was walking with the humans.

"Gonna be 10,000 pounds of torque on that itsy-bitsy bolt, not 19!" stated the shorter mech, red.

"You're gonna risk the lives of all me mates! I'll ball you!" threatened the taller green one.

"These guys are the Wreckers. They take care of the Xanthium. We don't let them off the base much, 'cause they're assholes."

"You gotta pull that ya Nancy wanker!"

"It's time to kill him!" added the red mech, making Matsuri roll her eyes. Before Sam or Mearing could say anything, she was walking away and hid herself, not wanting to be around anyone until it was time.

Matsuri climbed out of the truck in the afternoon, not too far from the launch pad, her and Sam walking towards the Leader of the Autobots, who was standing there, waiting for them. She glanced at the other walkway and saw Ratchet walking to the bottom of the ship with one or two of the Wreckers.

"Carrier!" she shouted over as she stopped. She watched as Ratchet stopped, looked over towards her and in the next moment, his holoform was in front of her, taking her into his arms. "Carrier..."

"I'm here, my sparkling, it's alright." He whispered to her, rubbing her back. She nuzzled into his neck, trying to absorb her adoptive carrier's presence, trying to prolong the contact.

She felt him kissing the side of her head, whispering reassuring things and his goodbye before he was gone, his real body moving under the platform.

She turned towards Optimus, to see if he was done talking to Sam when warm metal lips came crashing down on hers and arms enclosed around her waist. Her own arms wrapped themselves around his neck, trying to make this kiss last as long as she could. She felt Optimus deepened the kiss, his glossa slithering passed her lips and re-explored every inch of her mouth until he pulled away and leaned his forehead against hers.

"Optimus..." she whispered, and his hand came up and stroke her cheek gently. "I...let me come with you..."

He shook his head. "No, my spark. Your brother and the other humans need you. You must stay for them."

She chewed on her bottom lip before nodding, looking at his chest, at where she knew where his spark was. She felt him lean down, his lips close to her ear.

"You are my spark," he began. "My Conjunx Endura and thus we are connected, no matter the distance between us. I love you."

With a parting kiss on the forehead, he was gone, his real body stepping away and was starting to walk when a flash ran passed it and the next thing Matsuri knew, Echomix landed in her arms, cuddling her chest.

"Carrier, I don't wanna go!" Echomix hiccuped and she gently petted him.

"I know, but you must go with your sire. I'm sure we will meet again. No, go be good for your sire and listen to him, okay?"

Echomix chittered sadly before he scrambled over to Optimus and climbing up his leg and body until he got to his spot on Optimus' shoulder.

Next was Bumblebee's turn. She gave him a hug when he had knelt before she walked away, leaving Sam and Bumblebee to have their goodbye alone. As she walked, tears began to slip down her face, but she didn't make a sound.


When dawn came around Matsuri was outside, watching the Xanthium as control counted down to the launch. She watched as the engines ignited, bellowing out white smoke before it began to ascend towards the sky. She tracked it as much as she could, even after the first few boosters fell off and crashed into the Atlantic, until she noticed something heading towards it...and then the Xanthium suddenly went up in a ball of flame and she felt completely and utterly numb.

Just like that, her entire Autobot family was gone. Her Carrier, her two brothers, her sparkling, her mate...all gone in one moment.

Her spark pulsed painfully, and tears began to stream down her face. She was alone with only Sam beside her now. How was she supposed to fight the Decepticons and try to protect her planet?

It had to be an hour or two that passed because Sam was suddenly beside her, urging her to follow.

"We're going to Chicago. I'll explain on the way, but we must meet up with Epps"

She looked at him and saw the determination in his eyes. With a small inhale, she nodded and followed.

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