Signing your soul to the devil

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As soon as he come off air all hell broke loose. He walked off the stage so calmly but once he was out of sight he ripped off his mic pack and schitzed THE FUCK out.
I watched on in horror as he unleashed his temper upon the producers for allowing the subject of his father to be brought up when he'd specifically instructed for it to be not so much as hinted at.
Security flooded around him, trying to calm him down but Richie was having none of it.
I'd took it upon myself to call Cal do that he could round up a few of the guys to come down because even I couldn't bring him out of his rage, he'd punched through the dry wall and ripped the TV off the wall, his hair had fallen out of place as he went around the room like a tornado, thankfully Callum came bounding into the room,

"Let him in!" I panicked as security tried to apprehend my brother,

"What the fuck?" Callum panicked at me as Richie still continued to go mental at the crew, Ray followed through the door, this was the only time I was thankful to see him, he'd contain this absolute shit storm,

"MITCHELL!! OY! BRO! LISTEN TO ME BROTHER!!"  Ray grabbed Richie by the shoulders and pulled him around to deter him from the verbal lashing he was giving to a very panicked and frightened show producer,

"DONT YOU FACKIN' BROTHER ME! WHAT?! You want me to shut me mouth d'ya?! He who is silent is understood to give his consent, does it look like I gave my fackin' consent to speak about that fackin' sperm donor?! DOES IT?!"

"We'll sort out the legalities another time but the old Bill are gonna be down here anytime soon for criminal damage ya daft cunt! C'mon!"

"I ain't fackin' leavin' till the bastards do come! I've been made a cunt of and I want that hosts neck for it!!! Did you see him Ray?! The bastard reckoned on he could push me, then spills some crap about our Cathrine before taking it up with us before I went on air! They knew from this morning! TAKE ME FOR A MUG YEAH?!" He screamed at the open door, wow he had well and truly lost the plot!

"Jada come on" my brother guided me out by my arm, and on this occasion I wasn't one to resist, I'd never seen him so angry over something so... small,

"I can't believe he's gone and done this Callum, this is mess! There's gonna be no covering this up" As we walked down the corridor a group of coppers ran down towards the room,
"Oh god! Cal they're gonna lock him up!" I turned on my heel but Callum pulled me back,

"Jada trust me, they won't"

"What? Are you blind? Did you not just see all of that?!"

"Just..." he exhaled, "Trust me Jada, Alright?" His hands clasped my shoulders, his eyes gave me all the reassurance that I needed.

It had been around an hour since I'd left the studio with my brother, we was sharing a cup of tea and much to my dismay this included the company of Richie's mum too,

"Oh thank the lord" she exhaled dramatically as we heard the front door in the distance go. I rolled my eyes and let her chase down the hallway after him,

"Jada" Callum scolded,

"What? She does my fucking head in! 'Oooooh my poor sweet boy!' Give over, she's only here when he's in trouble, he's always the one waiting on her hand and fucking foot like she's the queen" my lips zipped shut as in came Richie with his brother and two policemen, to my surprise he wasn't handcuffed,

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