He's a gangster & enjoys being one

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I didn't treat Richie's command with ignorance, I knew that even though it was going against the medical experts rules I knew I was going home today. I looked around and I didn't have anything much to pack, my dad or Callum had brought along my makeup bag, my little slipper boots and my black fluffy dressing gown that I lived in, but how was I supposed to put that on with this drip attached to me? Oh, and of course there was the clothes that I had arrived in.

I'd waited for what seemed to be an eternity and then finally I saw a nurse who had her eyes locked on me,

"Hiya there Jada, how're you feeling?"

"I'm... better, thank you"

"I'm glad to hear it. I'm here to remove your intravenous. But lovie are you sure you're feeling ready to go home?"
She looked me up and down with sorrow in her eyes, or was it pity?

"I was wondering how I'd get my dressing gown on" I dismissed her,

"This won't hurt, as soon as I remove it hold this on it with pressure for a minute okay lovie?" She handed me a little cottonwool ball,

"Mhmm" I watched on. Within a matter of a second it was out. She wrote out something on her notes until she could apply a plaster and we was all done. Richie came back into view and automatically I smiled at his victory of getting me out of this place. Was there nothing this man couldn't do for me?
He smiled back and thanked my nurse as she scuttled past him,

"What did I tell ya? Hm?" Again that cheeky wink came out to play,

"Thank you"

"Ah you don't need to thank me babe. Oh an I found some of these on me way, here" he tossed me a lemon sherbet, I looked at it with the greatest of pleasure and popped it into my mouth. The sugar was almost unbearable, but still I kept it in my mouth, the taste alone reminded me of who I was with, even if he was stood right in front of me.

"Where's erm, where's my dad and Callum? Have they been told I'm coming home?"

"Yeah I went down to the canteen to tell 'em meself didn't I. Where'd you think I found these?" he opened one up and crunched it straight away,

"So how long are they gonna be?" My question seemed to puzzle him,

"What d'ya mean?"

"Well they're taking me home... aren't they?"

"Nah, I'm takin' ya" He chirped,


"Look, I told 'em you didn't wanna be back where it all... you know... 'appened. So I told 'em I'd take care of ya for a couple of days" I just wanted to be home, with my family,


"Well to be honest, I don't want cha round that either Jada. It's not good for ya is it, it ain't exactly healthy for ya either" And let the controlling commence...

"But you can't look after me, you're practically the worlds busiest person. And where exactly would I stay?"

"Don't you worry, I 'ave it all mapped out"

"Oh you do, do you?" I couldn't help but giggle at his smug smile,

"Yea, I do. You're gonna stay with me at my gaff. Me brothers gonna deal with The Firm and I'm 'avin meself a nice little break, with my lady, not too much to ask is it" He shrugged,

"You're really gonna let that mad hatter run your business? Really?"

"What? What's wrong with that. He's learnt his lesson 'as the fella"

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