Not Him Again.

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Chapter 36:

Avril's POV:

The next week after the twins come home, I go to my appointment. We've decided to know the gender of the baby. I'm a mixture of emotions: happy, excited and anxious. I've no idea why I'm anxious, probably in case I regret it, but I know I won't. I'll finally be able to decide on a name once I know and buy the right stuff for them. I hope Liam is okay with the gender. I know he doesn't mind or is disappointed but he said he thinks it's a girl, so, I'm not sure if that means he secretly wants one or not.

"Are you excited?" Liam questions with a bright smile, disturbing me from my intense thoughts.

"Very," I answer, returning his smile. "What about you?"

"Of course I am. I can't wait to know."

"I'm a bit nervous though," I confess.

"Nervous, why?" he enquiries.

"Just in case something is wrong."

"Don't be silly. Our baby is absolutely fine and healthy. Your pregnancy has been great so far and it will continue to stay that way for the remainder of it. You shouldn't worry so much." He rubs my knee soothingly for support and I smile my thanks to him.

"I hope so," I whisper with hope.

"Stop worrying, baby, please."

"I'll stop. I just can't help my thoughts sometimes; they drift off into stupid thoughts themselves. I'll my very best to stop them," I promise.

"I know that you will, I love you. Everything's going to be okay and we're going to be so thrilled to find out that our baby is a girl." He smiles cockily at me and it made me feel assured that our baby was indeed his when he said, "our baby".

"No, we're going to find out that it's a boy. You're wrong and I can't wait to rub it in your face," I disagree.

"You must mean your boobs because you're not going to be right," he chortles.

"Liam, dirty boy!" I giggle and slap his chest playfully.

"Seriously though, I just have a gut feeling that it's a girl and I'm always right with these things."

"Looks like this is the first time that you'll be wrong then," I sneer.

"Oh, you little-" he stops and chuckles to himself at his almost slip.

"What were you going to say there? Finish that sentence," I urge, giving him a stern look.

"Nothing, Mum, nothing."

"Don't call me your mother! That's incest!"

"Well, you're the mother of my baby, so, I can call you Mum," he quips with a laugh at the end and I look away with saddened eyes. I really hope he is... "Baby, what's wrong? Did I upset you? I'm really sorry if I did."

"You didn't Liam, I'm just being stupid," I assure him.

"What were you thinking?" he wonders curiously.

"Nothing." I hope he lets it go soon because I really don't want to tell him and upset him with my thoughts.

"Avril, tell me." Looks like I jinxed it.

"It's nothing," I emphasise.

"Okay, if you say so," he sighs as he gives up. He moves his hand on my belly and strokes it. Simultaneously, he grabs my hand and kisses it, putting a smile on my face. A few moments later, the nurse calls my name and we enter the room. We sit down at our usual spots and greet our doctor.

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