The First Kicks.

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Chapter 20:

Jake's POV:

I quickly arrive at Sophia's house not long after I left. I knock on the door and Zach answers it.

"Hey Jake," he says.

"Hey Zach, is Sophia here?" I ask.

"Yeah, she's upstairs, she might still be asleep though." I nod and come inside. After getting a cold glare from James I go upstairs to her room. I sigh at the closed door and knock. There was no answer so I go inside. She was asleep in her bed. I sit down beside her and stroke her cheek. Suddenly she startles awake.

"Shit I'm sorry for waking you Soph."

"No it wasn't you, I had a bad dream," she says, rubbing her eyes.

"What was it off?" I ask with worry.

"You went off with Elena and forgot about me," she whispers.

"I'm guessing Jayden and Emily told you." I look away from her because I couldn't look her in the eyes.

"Yeah," she whispers.

"I stressed you out for no reason, that fucking bitch was lying. If you want to break up with me-"

"Why would I want to do that? I love you," she interrupts.

"You're not mad?" I ask with surprise.

"No, of course not. It was before we were together, it's not like you cheated. Yeah I probably would have been really upset if it was true and I definitely would have been heartbroken if you left me for her but I would have understood after a while because I knew you had to because she blackmailed you."

"I don't deserve you", I smile. I lean down and kiss her. "And don't worry, your bad dream will never happen. I hate Elena, I always have. I didn't mean to sleep with her those few weeks ago, I was so mad that you said no that I needed to get you off my mind."

"I know, Jakey. It's okay," she smiles.

"I've missed you saying that. I'm sorry for being a total asshole for ignoring you these past two days, there was a lot on my mind as you know now. I shouldn't have done it and I feel horrible for treating you like that, I hope you can forgive me."

"Of course I forgive you. I just wish you told me, I would have understood. We can tell each other anything, no matter how upset it would make the other person, we still need to tell them. Okay? Because communication is really important in relationships."

"Got it, I'm sorry baby. I've missed you, I love you so much," I say, tackling her in a tight hug. She giggles and hugs back while putting her head on my shoulder.

"I've missed and love you too," she repeats. I give her a deep, passionate kiss and she deepens it.

"Is it bad that I feel really horny now?" she asks which makes me chuckle. We start to make out and she takes off my top. "Oh fuck," she says, running her hands down my six-pack.

"You're acting like you've never seen it before," I chuckle. She smirks and gets on top of me which entices me more. I grab her ass and squeeze it gently. She pulls back suddenly.

"Wait, we can't my brothers are downstairs and so is Zoey." I nod understandingly and sit back upright.

"It's fine, you're worth the wait," I say, cupping her cheek and kissing it softly. She smiles and I give her a hug. "I'm sorry for being a mean asshole to you yesterday, you were just making sure I was okay and I was horrible towards you."

"It's fine baby, I said I already forgave you, I know you were under a lot of stress and it's all right."

"No it's not, I love you and I am really sorry for hurting you."

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