chapter nine

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"Okay wait wait wait." Myeong says as her hair is getting put into hair curlers.

"Do you need me to explain again?" Chaerin smiles looking at her phone. The girls were backstage at music bank for their comeback.

"Yes because I'm still shocked." Minyeong says laughing. "Okay I met Seulgi during our Bad Boy promotions we exchanged numbers and I took my shot and we went on a date." Chaerin explains.

"Wow..." Hayun says with her eyes wide open as mascara is being placed on her eyelashes.

"Since were all talking about being in love Hayun what about you and SIK K?" Chaerin raises her eyebrow. "What do you mean?" Hayun sounds offended.

"Don't act coy you're not the best at being discreet when sneaking out." Myeong chuckles.
Hayun sighs and smirks a little, "For almost a month we've been dating." Hayun shrugs.

"A month?!" Minyeong sorta yells. "He understands me and we've been friends for like 2 years." Hayun looks down at her phone. "You two are quite cute." Chaeyoung comments eating her yogurt.

A staff member comes in and calls for Myeong. "There's a man outside for you." They say.

Sejin looks up from her laptop skeptical, Myeong takes a bite of her bagel and walks outside. Her father was there in sweatpants and a simple blackshirt.

"What the actual hell are you doing here?" Myeong yells/whispers. "I needed to see you.." he says.

"No you need to fucking leave. You are literally at my job and there are people around." Myeong begins to shove him out.


"No you don't get to call me that! You tried to ruin my name and my group's reputation for your guilty pleasure!" Myeong is talking much louder now. Some idol groups walking by stop and stare for a bit.

"Everything okay out here?" Hayun and Chaeyoung stick their head out the door. "Just leave." Myeong stares her father down. He sighs and leaves the music bank building.

"Asshole." Myeong says under her breath waking back into the room.


The girls make it back to the dorms. Myeong was quiet the whole ride back. "You sure you okay?" Chaeyoung asks.

"Just fine now leave me alone.." Myeong goes to her room and slams the door.

"Well okay and I thought I was moody." Hayun sits on the couch. "I think that man was her father today." Chaeyoung sighs sitting next to Hayun. "I thought we were all past that." Chaerin asks taking off her false eyelashes.

"Nope...I guess not." Hayun says. "Hayun! Your uncle is on the phone we need to head to the company building." Sejin yells from her room in the dorms.

"...okay?" Hayun looks confused. "I can go with I need to stop by the convenience store." Minyeong says grabbing her wallet.

Sejin, Hayun, and Minyeong make it to the car and were on their way to GH ENTERTAINMENT. They make it around 8 pm.

Hayun, Minyeong, and Sejin walk into Mr. Shin's office. He looks pissed.

"What is it old man?" Hayun rolls her eyes.

"No time for jokes...Hayun you and your little boyfriend were caught."

Hayun eyes go big. The room gets silent and tensions get high.

"Oh fuck my life..." Hayun sighs.


Okay I forget a lot things whos everyone's love interest again XD

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